MARS (CNN)- On Monday, NASA scientists announced that they have found potentially life-giving water on the surface of Mars. This discovery does not necessarily mean that there has been or currently is life on Mars, however it does bring hope that there may be some microbes that would be able to cling to existence.

The water was discovered by using an imager aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter by studying the light waves on the surface that were allegedly associated with liquid water.

SUPER MOON/LUNAR ECLIPSE (BBC) – If you were one of the people who was standing outside on Sunday night who saw the “supermoon” consider yourself lucky to have witnessed such an event.

This lunar incident is a rare occurrence when the moon is closes to the Earth giving it a larger appearance. The last time an event like this happened was in 1982. It will not occur again until 2033.

IRAQ (CNN)- In light of recent events, Iraq has made the decision to share intelligence with Russia, Syria, and Iran in their war against the ISIS militants. Iraq’s deal comes after U.S. has been raising their concerns about Russia’s ever building presence in Syria.

U.S. has had suspicions about some sort of cooperation between Baghdad and Moscow. On Monday, President Barack Obama is scheduled to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss Moscow’s plans with Syria.

UNITED STATES (PBS) – Pope Francis spoke to the United Nations about a plethora of topics on September 25. However, two of the major points that the Pontiff spoke about was climate control as well as consideration for the poor and underprivileged.

CHINA (PBS) – President Obama and Chinese Prime Minister Xi Jinping announced that the United States and China would be working to make an ecological impression. The two world superpowers have also entered a mutual agreement to crackdown on cyber attacks that have been taking place between the two nations.


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