
Life is a symphony that makes our clouds move carelessly through swift winds.
If only these clouds could rewind to capture precious moments in time.
These roads are long and sometimes difficult to unpuzzle.
These memories we gather in life only become captured by times infinite novel.
Should it belong to us, our glories and tragedies.
or to this universe that holds us with gravity.
-Jorge Pliego

The Anonymous Sea

I’ve once faced uncharted current’s that have heaved me into the emptiness of shallow waters.
Faced storms that could only wreck, but couldn’t destroy.
This vessel I stay on:
has seen the tidal wave, but wasn’t shaken.
blinded by the mist, but could still see.
Choose to stay strong; rather then latch off
because a troubled sea look’s beautiful with a horizon’s reflection.
I’ve sailed through the anonymous sea; but looked forward to the reflection in it’s waters
– Jorge Pliego

Who You Are

The smile you hold captivates; it’s your own work of art.
Like a rose that is perfect from the stem to the leaf.
Beauty comes in many shapes; so embrace your silhouette that parts.
It’s only right to love who you are.
– Jorge Pliego

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