This article contains spoilers, Sweetie.
Within the last few days, I’ve heard rumors that season four of Sherlock has been given a tentative release date: December 25, 2014. Christmas Day.
I know these are just rumors, but I really hope that this isn’t based in truth.
But why? Wouldn’t a Sherlock episode airing on Christmas be fun? Not at all.
For the past several years, if there has been a show to air on the BBC on Christmas day, someone has died.
This past year, the 2013 Doctor Who Christmas special, “The Time of the Doctor,” saw the Eleventh Doctor, portrayed by Matt Smith, regenerate.
For those of you who don’t watch Doctor Who, when the Doctor dies, he is able to regenerate into another body.
Although it may not count for much, we also lost Handles, a sassy Cyberman head that the Doctor reprogrammed to be his assistant. Handles was a minor character that was only in the Christmas special, but he still grew on you.
The year before, Christmas 2012, was even worse. The last episode of Merlin aired on Christmas Eve, and many fans were heartbroken as King Arthur was fatally wounded and died.
The next day, Doctor Who fans were introduced to the spunky Victorian nanny/barmaid Clara, only to have her snatched away by Death’s icy hands at the end of the special.
Things don’t look good for someone in the Sherlock cast if they get a Christmas air date, and I’m already trying to figure out who the writers would try to kill off in the episode (Sorry, Mary).
I know that Doctor Who fans are used to this, and Merlin fans don’t have to worry anymore (it’s all over now).
All that Sherlock fans have had to deal with is a two year hiatus, during which they were able to theorize how Sherlock was able to be not dead.
Hopefully, like Sherlock’s death at the end of season two, it will turn out that these rumors are totally fake.
Becki Brown
Editor in Chief