Women Workers are Essential, Underpaid, and Undervalued

Essential workers are the people expected to be at work during these scary times. They’re the people working long days and nights to ensure people receive their necessities. The grocery store workers, doctors, nurses, fast food employees, and delivery people. Most of the people employed during this pandemic are women, but this isn’t surprising. However, this should be a moment of realization for those in power since the work women do is necessary but they’re still undervalued.

The New York Times reported that one in three jobs are considered essential. The article stated,  “The work they do has often been underpaid and undervalued — an unseen labor force that keeps the country running and takes care of those most in need, whether or not there is a pandemic.”

Normally, the majority of jobs are occupied by men. However this pandemic has shown that most crucial jobs are occupied by women and should be reflected within our society. More women should be marketed to for all occupations and they shouldn’t think they can’t earn a job because of their gender.  

Business Insider published a breakdown of women still working and the pay gap between men and women. It stated, “According to the Census data, women made up 87% of registered nurses and 71% of cashiers. However, female nurses earned just 93% of what male nurses make and female cashiers earned 89% of the typical wages of male cashiers.”

Women dominating essential fields is alarming considering the pay gap between men and women. Based on job title, years of experience, industry, location and other compensable factors Payscale calculated the gap ratio. For every $1 a man makes, a woman in the same field earns $0.98. Women have been fighting for equality in the workforce for decades, yet it’s 2020 and the fight is still going on. While the fight is important, it’s common knowledge that women can execute any job as well as a man can. It’s close-minded to think men should earn more money because of gender bias. 

I don’t say this to discredit men. There are men on the front line risking their own health for others as well, but they aren’t the majority. Men also get the money and recognition that comes with working vital jobs. At this time, we are relying on women to keep the economy going and they should be compensated for their dedication. 

One of my biggest concerns is once quarantine is over is that women will continue to be overworked and underpaid. Typically in the workplace women are considered less valuable than men and that’s reflected in their paychecks. While women accept these jobs knowing they will be underpaid, they don’t deserve to be paid less; women put in as much work as men despite knowing they will be paid less. 

This pandemic has pushed a lot of issues that were once on the backburner to the forefront. I want  the pandemic to end because this has been a stressful time. However, once everyone is able to go outside I want to see dynamic changes in favor of women within the workforce. Women deserve the same raises, promotions, and respect as men because they’ve earned them.