I think most Chicagoans can agree it was quite a ride living in “Chiberia” (as it has been named by a forecaster at the National Weather Service) during the first few weeks of the year.
Residents and travelers all over the Midwest braved what seemed like non-stop snow for days followed by dangerously low temperatures.
It was, no doubt, an inconvenience for many with frozen pipes, streets, and skin, closed roads and business and cars buried in snow but I say, the mountains of snow and bitter cold snap was a blessing in disguise for our new year and much needed by Chicagoans and Midwesterners of all ages.
As we sat on the couch and watched TV during this outrageous weather (there was very little else we could), my sister and I reminisced about how when you’re younger, a snowstorm like this would be the highlight of your winter season, a wondrous thing that you would remember for years to come.
Now, as adults, it just seems like an inconvenience, those icy Chicago winds blow in more stress than fun and excitement.
And I will have to say that I am not exempt from those feelings.
It seems that there is always somewhere to go, someone that needs us, a job that needs to be done and winter weather just slows you down and gets in the way.
However, I think a winter storm of this caliber is quite different.
This storm did not make it inconvenient to leave your house, it literally made it impossible and dangerous.
For a few days, the Midwest was largely shut down. So how could this possibly be a good thing?
The 21st century lifestyle promotes constant action.
We are always going somewhere, seeing someone, and communicating with everyone.
Too many people spread themselves too thin, especially over the holidays. Sometimes we desperately need a break, but its so difficult to cancel plans.
We have so much on our plates and we hesitate to take anything off with the risk of offending friends and family or appearing lazing or uninterested.
This storm made it OK to stay exactly where you are… and DO NOTHING.
Everyone was in the same boat, nothing to do but stay home with your family and marvel at the amazing power of nature to leave us completely incapacitated.
And the timing of this storm, immediately following the hectic holiday season, was nothing short of perfect.
Its hard to admit it, but after a long, difficult year and a busy (and family-filled) series of holidays we just want to be alone for a while and be nothing but lazy.
Sure, it created a little work for us in the end with all of the shoveling and cleaning up to be done, but it is in those moments that we make the best memories (like my sister forcefully flinging herself onto the ground while attempting to move a pile of snow way beyond her capability).
This storm gave me, and many others, a few extra days to spend with our families before the stress of reality hits us once again.
My family and I, and most people I know, could benefit from a few more “do nothing” days throughout the year.
We rarely cancel our plans and clear our schedules and I am sure 2014 will be no different.
So I, for one, don’t mind if mother nature does it for us from time to time.
Bridget Goedeke
Viewpoints Editor