Why is Nobody Listening to the Scientists?

Source: Twitter

If we were having a conversation about carbon dioxide in the air, whom would you trust more: a scientist or a politician? The clear answer seems to be the politician, but in today’s society of skepticism, the answer is often the politician.

Throughout President Trump’s 100 first days in office, it has been apparent that he has gone against science in many different ways, going against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and feuding with the National Parks Services on Twitter . Recently, he has threatened to cut budgets of varying agencies that fund scientists’ work, inspiring the March for Science across America on Earth Day, March 22.

Why is everybody taking politician’s advice regarding science? Where are their PhD’s?

Science often goes against what we think we know-we think that we know the earth must be flat, and we think we know that the sun goes around the earth. At least, that is what these things look like to us. But scientific proof goes against those things. There is evidence upon evidence that the Earth is round and the Earth revolves around the sun, not vice versa.

Science takes time to prove things. To be sure, scientists take years to test theories and gather all the evidence possible. They team up with other scientists to test their theories until they are nearly infallible.

And there lies the problem: although science theories and facts are based upon years of teamwork and research from experts, the answers often take time. It is so much easier to take what a politician says and to believe it, without having to put the time and effort into finding out if it is the truth.

The thought that the issue does not affect you personally also leads to this issue. Climate change is at the forefront of issues today, and scientists have research, sources, and experiments to prove that it is happening. But if you live in the beautiful mountains of the west coast, where the sky is blue and there are trees all around, you might not think climate change is an issue. You do not live in the Midwest where the crops are failing from climate change, or in the north where temperatures seem to get warmer every summer. Just because you cannot directly see the issue does not mean it does not exist. However, it is easier to agree with a politician who says climate change is not real than it is to travel the country and see its effects.

While it is always good to question things-and scientists will agree with you on that- politicians do not necessarily know better than scientists on issues that involve, well, science. The scientists do not pretend to know how to run the country, so why should the politicians believe that they know the facts behind climate change?


Jill Augustine
Senior Viewpoints Editor