On March 25 at 11:30am, the Saint Xavier Council (SXC) plans to host their event, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes. Raising awareness about the increasing issue of violence towards women is the main goal of the event. The members of SXC plan to spread this awareness throughout the campus of Saint Xavier University.
In an interview with Anna Goldman, Director of Multi-Cultural Events for SXC, she describes what this event will entail and why it is so important to recognize this important topic in today’s society.
Explaining the quote that is central to this event, Goldman connects important issues to Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, which brings forth the reason and motivation behind hosting the event at SXU.
“The event will involve men walking in high-heeled shoes to raise awareness about the serious causes and effects of sexualized violence against women. There is a saying that goes “You can’t really understand another person’s experience until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.”
The main goal of the event is to raise awareness on the pressing issues about violence against women and bring education and light to our campus on violence against women,” said Goldman.
Goldman goes on to mention the origination of this event and the ideas behind it. It is a unique event to SXU and is looking to be impactful on the student body.
“This idea originated from the Women’s History Month committee. The committee came up with hosting this event because we wanted to engage the student body and faculty on raising awareness about the serious issues involving violence against women,” said Goldman.
The day of the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event will include awareness for the violence towards women, numerous spectators, and the much anticipated viewing of men walking in high heels. Anyone is allowed to attend the event, and it is encouraged that anyone with free time that day be in the diner atrium to view such a feat.
“Everyone is welcome to view the event. We are looking to have as many men participate in the walk as possible. The walk will start in the diner atrium with a welcome ceremony and then the participants will put on the high heels and walk one mile,” said Goldman.
If students are unable to attend this event but would like to help in a way that recognizes and raises awareness for this cause, there are other events that the SXC offers which may be of interest. Goldman expands upon these events and encourages students to attend these as well.
In addition to the SXC events, Goldman is forming a new club which may attract students who desire to become involved with issues and discussions on women’s rights. “There are many events planned for Women’s History Month including film showings and discussions, a panel, the SXU health fair, and many others. Also, I am forming a Feminist Club which all are welcome to join,” said Goldman.
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes is looking to be a big success but it could be bigger, with the help of the students of SXU. Any interested male student should stop by the table in the diner to sign up. This table will be out the week before and the week after spring break.
Any female student who may have larger sized high heels that they no longer use could donate them to this cause. Goldman expresses her final thoughts and what she is most looking forward to, come the day of the event.
“I am looking forward to the support our community consistently shows for events of this nature. It is always heartening to see people come together for a good cause like this one,” said Goldman.
Julie Gardner
News Editor