Voting is a Privilege

According to Machiavelli, society, like government, law, justice, and morality, are human products, which man is free to modify or order according to his wishes, which is why, to the extent that refrain from voting, you will be relegated to an iniquitous level, the most important of all rights and the most urgent of all duties, the exercise of which allows you to modify or preserve those human products. 

Voting is a right for which many people sacrificed and offered their lives: history is full of examples. However, millions of people around the world, have not yet acquired the power to exercise this right, reasons that make, Americans, we can proclaim that we have the great privilege of living in a free society, whose maximum expression of that freedom perhaps you are represented by the right to vote. 

Suffice it to remember that in the Gettysburg Declaration, Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as “government of the people, by the people and for the people.” This means that we are not here to serve the government, but on the contrary, it is our government that must serve us, insofar as we are the citizens, who decide who will represent us and how we want to be represented; root and meaning of one of the greatest rights that any independent people can have: the right to vote. 

There are those who wonder if within the universality of voters, and the thousands of votes, their vote counts for something, on no less occasions, there are those who may feel that their vote does not make a difference to affect the final results of the choice, and that idea, not infrequently leads us to conclude wrongly, that it is not worth investing time in the exercise of a right, which at the same time is a duty. Nothing is more uncertain, because each vote counts and makes a difference in the results and each time this power is exercised, democracy is built, because a vote “is not just any figure, a vote is a piece of the country.” 

Within multiple other reasons, it is for this reason that in attention to our democratic consolidation, we must be aware that the vote makes local and national leaders responsible for the decisions they make while sending a message about the issues that stop the citizen is important, even when the candidate voted does not turn out to be the elected; since, with the exercise of our right, materialized through the vote, our right as free citizens to choose our government and to participate in democracy is confirmed. Without voting, there is no democracy. 

Sometimes, there are those who choose not to vote because they feel that what happens in government does not affect them; but on the contrary, the truth is that it does affect them and in various ways. Elected officials make all kinds of decisions that directly affect your life. The President and the Congress that you elect decide whether to increase or decrease taxes. They are the ones who design the economic policies that affect their work, and they are the ones who decide to use military force or not and when to do it and in order to take any public measure in pursuit of social expectations. 

Also, by voting, you will feel that you participate and at the same time make your voice heard. Vote, exercise your right!