Why You Should Vote in This Election

     There have been many debates on whether voting even matters or not. Some say our votes do not count while others say they do and voting is a responsibility and not a duty. Below you will find out why it is important to vote. 

     The act of voting is to make a collective decision based on the discussions, election campaigns, and debates of the people who are running for office. 

     Voting is important in a nation because it provides people with the opportunity to voice their opinion and vote for the person who best represents what they believe in. 

     It helps to hold the elected officials in office accountable for their actions and behavior. This prevents a single party from dictating the policies of a majority.

     Many people say the popular vote does not matter and that it is based on the Electoral College. This is true to some extent, but our votes do matter.

      The Electoral College vote totals determine the winner, not the majority a candidate may have in the nation-wide popular vote totals. The Electoral votes are awarded on the basis of the popular vote in each state. 

     Voting is a very important factor in elections and is needed in a democracy. In the United States, we are a Republic Democracy. In a democracy, the elected officials are liable to the people and they must return to the voters at certain times to seek their approval to continue being in office. For this reason, most democratic constitutions provide that elections are held at fixed regular intervals.

     Younger voters are needed now more than ever. The key issues in every election are increasing to the concerns of students and professionals between the ages of 18 and 29. This is making it extremely important for people within this age group to educate themselves and others on the current political issues. Young voters account for half of the voter population, making them a crucial and powerful political force. 

     Older Americans are more likely to vote compared to younger Americans, even though the younger voters make up a large portion of the voting-eligible population. Many young people do not vote because they feel like their vote does not matter. 

     The young voters are an incredibly diverse group and the millennial electorate is expected to be the first demographic group with the ability to challenge the basic two-party system. This could potentially make it so the need for alternative political parties that represent the needs of a diverse population is met. 

     In today’s world, it is very easy to be an educated voter. Having the news apps on your phone and watching the news is a very informative way to learn about what is happening. Having a phone and using it is the best way to stay updated on what is happening politically.

     If you are ever on the edge about voting because you think your vote does not matter, remember that every vote counts. Your vote could be the one to have a certain person elected. The power is in the people and your vote matters just as much as the next person does. The next time you choose to vote, remember that you are making a difference in the world.