On April 17 from 6-11 pm, Tri-Beta plans to hold their event, Walk 4 Life, in the Shannon Center, welcoming all students, faculty, and staff at Saint Xavier to attend.
This fundraiser costs only $5.00 to enter and will offer a wide array of activities and entertainment.
Maria Pittos, President of Tri-Beta, offers details and information about this event, and encourages all to attend.
In an interview with the Xavierite via email, Pittos explains where the inspiration came from for the Walk 4 Life, and how it relates to the organization’s mission and goals.
“Walk for Life was established in Fall of 2013 by the Omega Delta chapter of the National Biological Honor Society. Along with improving and expanding knowledge of the biological sciences, Tri-Beta also aims to support health and education in the sciences. We saw that hosting an event, such as Walk for Life, would best allow us to bring awareness to these two fields. This year, Walk for Life will be supporting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital as well as the science program at Corliss High School, an underprivileged Chicago Public School that Tri-Beta has been working closely with for a year and a half,” said Pittos.
Pittos goes on to list some of the many activities that will be held the day of the event. This event also has a Facebook page that provides more information about the day of the event, and the activities that will be held.
“There will be sports tournaments (soccer, basketball, and volleyball), bubble soccer, the walk competition, face painting, a diverse group of dance lessons, music, food, t-shirts and more! To view our event schedule, guests can visit our Facebook event page at: SXU Walk for Life 2015,” said Pittos.
Last year, Tri-Beta saw a great number of students show up for the Walk 4 Life, and they would love to see the numbers rise this year. Pittos expresses her prediction for this year’s walk.
“I really hope many from SXU are able to attend and participate. Last year, Walk for Life had a great turnout with a little over 150 guests.
This year, because we are incorporating more sub-events, I believe we can expect more participants,” said Pittos. For any student interested in participating in the Walk 4 Life, sign-ups and an information table can be found in the SXU diner. Pittos explains what students can sign up for and the activities that require sign ups in advance.
“Tournament, bubble soccer, and the walk registrations are currently being held in the diner from 11am-1pm on Monday-Friday the 27th. If needed, we can extend the registration time. However, we kindly request that all teams that register stay committed. All other participants who would like to come for other activities do not have to register. This event accepts walk-in guests! Again, the entrance fee is $5.00 and an SXU ID is required. Payment can be made on the day of the event,” said Pittos.
If a student is unable to make it the day of the Walk 4 Life, there are still other opportunities for them to get involved and contribute to this cause. Pittos suggests that students donate money or buy a t-shirt to support the Walk 4 Life, and the charities that will receive the monetary donations.
Pittos provides her email address for those who are interested in donating, or have further questions about the details of the event. “Students can always contribute to the event by kindly providing a monetary donation. To donate money towards the causes, I recommend they e-mail me at pittos.m01@mymail.sxu.edu for further details. Additionally, if any t-shirts are still available, they can always purchase one after the event! In the event that there are extra shirts, there will be a booth set-up in the diner,” said Pittos.
The Walk 4 Life seems to be a promising and enjoyable event. Students are encouraged to be a part of this beneficial cause. Not only will students be making a difference in the lives of children at St. Jude’s Research Hospital, but they have the opportunity to attend an event providing them with an evening of fun and entertainment.
Pittos is very excited about this year’s walk and provides some final thoughts and opinions about the Walk 4 Life. Tri-Beta and Pittos hope to see many people at the event this year.
“I am mostly looking forward to playing soccer! But that’s not just it! I’m very excited to see everyone get together as one for these two great causes. What is more important than any of the activities we have planned is the idea that we will be able to bring about awareness of health and education in the sciences. I believe that by participating at our event, you are supporting our causes. Therefore, the underlying message this event is trying to promote is the quality of compassion, human dignity, service and the common good- all of which define the mission of our university,” said Pittos.
Julie Gardner
News Editor