The Xavierite Welcomes You Back

Welcome. As another year begins, The Xavierite would like to welcome you back to campus, or if you’re a first year welcome to Saint Xavier in general. You’re joining a great tradition that spans nearly two centuries.

As Obi-Wan Kenobi would say, “You’ve just taken your first step into a larger world.” But whatever your year level or role in the university as either a student, faculty member, staff member or general community member, we wish you success in the coming semester and year in general.

As always we would like to begin this year by extending an invitation out to anyone who is would like to learn about writing for a newspaper. The Xavierite can provide you with great experiences of learning how to work on a deadline and building a portfolio.

While we do not require experience, it is appreciated if you approach us and have some material ready or any experience of note. However, that’s not the only way that you can interact with the student newspaper.

We are the eyes and ears of the student body. That being said, we like hearing from students, faculty and staff as often as possible through Letters to the Editor. The instructions of which can be found next to this article.

The Letter to the Editor can serve many purposes. Any time you feel that we have done a good job or perhaps missed an element of a story or you agree/disagree with one of our columnists feel free to write in and discuss your own viewpoint.

While we always appreciate interacting with readers, make sure that you’re letter does not exceed 750 words. Simply put, that’s as much space as we can allot per letter.

We appreciate all the feedback that we get, but if you want your letter to be printed make sure that it is turned in within a timely fashion and make sure that there is no profanity, libel, or inflammatory language.

As we did last year, we are going to print two issues a semester on our online platform To be sure that everyone is aware of what’s going on and to drive more traffic to the website we are going to be printing our publication dates within the paper every week.

Should you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns about the newspaper, feel free to contact us at any time at To ensure that all concerns are legitimate please be sure to include the following information: your name, major, and – if you are a student and not a faculty or staff member – your year.

We look forward to hearing from you and putting out plenty of great content for you to read every Wednesday. Have a great year. Study hard. And don’t forget to eat your green vegetables and read The Xavierite as they are both good for you.

The Xavierite Editorial Board