This edition of The Xavierite will be the final printed edition. Next year, The Xavierite will be moved onto a digital platform and be hosted on the website This change was announced by President Christine Wiseman during the course of her State of the University address. The Xavierite’s printing budget is being cut as a money saving effort.

The staff and crew of this organization were not informed of these changes before this address was given and are currently working through the transition that will need to take place in these final weeks of school. While there are many logistics that will be worked out moving forward, this organization will not sacrifice its quality in reporting as this switch happens.

As these updates occur the staff of this publication will keep its readership informed. For 85 years, The Xavierite has functioned as a barometer of the events and occurrences on the Saint Xavier University campus and has always attempted to capture not only the zeitgeist of what students, staff, faculty and community members were concerned with, but the lasting and impactful happenings that have changed this campus.

This goal moving forward remains exactly the same. The Xavierite will always maintain to strive toward its goal to function as a proud member of the Fourth Estate: to seek out the truth that is useful, interesting and relevant to its readership.

Seldom does The Xavierite report on its own operation and occurrences in house. However, we have felt it necessary to inform our readers that the news delivered weekly in print form will no longer be available in that format.

While at the moment, a publication schedule has yet to be decided one will be provided at the nearest convenience. As for this year, we thank you for reading and we encourage you to view our website and familiarize yourself with the future of this organization.

Brian Laughran