The Scholarship Directory is Now Open:

SXU’s scholarship directory is now live and available for students to search and apply for numerous scholarships. The directory is designed to assist students of all major concentrations, career paths, or scholastic year in finding and applying for scholarship opportunities that best fit them and their professional or educational plans. 

SXU has obtained the annual scholarship funds through generous alumni who continue to contribute to the fund every year in hopes of supporting students in similar programs that they or someone close to them were once a part of. 

On the directory page, which can be found at under the Tuition & Aid tab, the offered scholarships are categorized by many focuses including year (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior), major concentrations, and graduate assistantship status. Thus, students can ensure that the scholarship they apply for is personalized to them and relevant to their future goals. 

Clicking on clearly labeled hyperlinks will bring viewers to a specific scholarship application with a detailed breakdown of what the scholarship entails. Depending on which scholarship you’re interested in, there will be differentiated monetary prizes that will be rewarded to the winning applicant and unique requirements including GPA, grade level, and career plans. 

Certain scholarships may ask for an essay in your application that answers a specific question, and others may ask for a short response that encourages you to share your personal stories, insights, or philosophies. 

On the other end of any scholarship application, there is a real person reading what you submit and hoping to find the best applicant to reward. First impressions count, so make your application one that you can be proud of!

Additionally, the scholarship directory guarantees equitable access to applications for all members of the student body. 

In an effort to support SXU’s oath to celebrate diversity, some scholarships are geared toward specific student demographics. Athletes, veterans, and graduate students alike can explore scholarship options that are catered to them specifically. 

Scholarships are meant to support students who are deserving of assistance in their educational journeys, so the directory embraces all genders, races, ages, etc. in an effort to encourage their continual success at SXU.

Students can even use the directory to research and apply for scholarships outside of SXU if they feel that those scholarships are a better fit. These scholarships follow different deadlines, requirements, and availability status than the university does, so don’t make the mistake of falsely equating outside scholarships with those offered by SXU. 

Outside scholarships may refer to local, state, or federal scholarship funds that you can research either independently or through the link provided on the directory (outside scholarships). These scholarships may be valuable to students who don’t feel fully represented by the SXU-specific applications but still aim to increase their odds of winning a scholarship. 

As always, utilize proper digital literacy to discern reputable organizations from illegitimate applications.

Whether you are a second-year biology major hoping to enter the research field, a graduate student working towards a masters degree in education, or any SXU student somewhere in between, the scholarship directory will surely offer information that fits your specific areas of interest. 

Applications are now open and available until Wednesday, January 28 2023, click here to view the directory page.