The Quattro: Little Caesar’s Latest Family Member

Award-winning pizza chain, Little Caesars, continues to add to their repertoire of innovations in the summer of 2019. 

Known for their affordable pizza that never sacrificed quality, Little Caesar’s released their latest home-run in late August. 

Officially named “The Quattro”,  Little Caesar’s now offers a pizza for everybody at the dinner table, sporting 4 different styles and 2 slices per style. Little Caesar’s website shares that the 4 flavors are as follows: “Pepperoni, Italian Sausage & Bruschetta, Italian Sausage & Pepperoni, and Cheese.” 

For those curious, Little Caesar’s chose to elaborate on the second style. 

“The bruschetta topping captures classic Italian flavors of fresh Roma tomatoes, garlic, basil, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.” 

Some fans were quick to point out that Little Caesar’s was diving head first into strange depths when implementing balsamic vinegar to their recipe.

The surprises began even before taking the first bite. 

 My local location had 5 posters scattered within advertising the specialty pizza.

Another curiosity was that “The Quattro” was packaged in boxes that were meant to demarcate online orders. It’s worth pointing out that my particular order contained more pizzas in addition to “The Quattro”, so this packaging method may have deviated from their normal practices.

Something that was immediately apparent was that the pizza crust was must softer than the traditional $5 pizza pie. I gather that this is because the ingredients in the pizza had a higher water content, compromising the crispness. 

You’re able to grab it securely in 1 hand (for the most part), but you’re not going to want to stray too far from a plate. 

The pizza was covered in a myriad of herbs, in contrast to the traditional pizzas. The “Cheese” style was fairly basic. Nothing about it was done exceptionally different from the normal methods Little Caesar’s implements with their pizzas.  Overall, inoffensive, but not anything it’d choose over the original cheese. 

Something else that gave me speculation was that the sauce seemed to have been diluted and sparsely distributed. As a result, the cheese and crust began to give odd textures that were never an issue with the original formula. 

Next up was the “Pepperoni” style.   

These slices were layered with chunks of what must have been pepper or peppercorns. This rendition was absolutely sublime. Everything from the contrasting textures to the colors to the scents were everything I wanted in a specialty pizza. 

If this style was made into a permanent option, it’d be getting it 9 times out of 10. 

Next was the “Italian Sausage & Pepperoni” style. This is an example of a pizza rendition gone wrong. 

These slices most apparent fake was the lack of pepper/peppercorns. The slice was considerably weightier, which when paired with a softer crust, took off points for ergonomics and convenience.   

Individually, sausage,  or pepperoni would have shined, but together, in addition with the weak sauce, they fought for attention in an unimpressive display. Sausage and pepperoni are such an easy combo to get right, so it was disappointing to say the least.

And the pièce de résistance, the last style was “Italian Sausage & Bruschetta”. 

This slice felt the softest out of all the styles, however it was far easier to handle than the “Italian & Pepperoni”. Once again, I believe this to be an atonement for the chunks of tomatoes that were introduced to the situation. It was also, unsurprisingly, the most fragrant. Chunks of tomatoes added very light splashes and notes, but I went through the entire slice without even remembering that the slice was also arranged with beechnuts. It felt no different than what I was used to from Little Caesar’s. 

It is hard to not admit that the more complex flavor composition elevated the experience of eating Little Caesar’s even if it was only mentally. 

The official rating for the 4 styles presented are as follows: Pepperoni, Italian Sausage & Bruschetta, Cheese, Pepperoni & Italian Sausage.

 Little Caesar’s has never been one to shy away from pushing the boundaries of pizza-dom. Introducing options such as the pretzel crust pizza and the all DEEP DISH! Pizzas, there’s no telling where Little Caesar’s will go from here.