The Movement That Fired Up A Nation

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh — Erin Scott

The #WhyIDidn’tReport movement has taken over social media with women and men speaking about their experiences with sexual assault. The hashtag was derived from victims and survivors of sexual assault, regarding how they did not report the assault after it happened due to the consequences of reporting. Such consequences include not being believed, being judged, fear, feeling guilt, and possible unemployment in the workplace.

The movement started after the hearing for the nomination of a new supreme court judge, Brett Kavanaugh, which took place on September 6th. While everything was falling in favor for Kavanaugh in front of the senate judiciary committee, everything changed when Christine Blasey Ford came forward to tell her story of when Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her.

It happened when she was 15 years old. People were shocked that she waited so long to come forward, and claimed she was a liberal political pawn to stop the confirmation of Kavanaugh to the supreme court.

That was not the point, Kavanaugh is now confirmed regardless of the accusations. It was never about politics. It was about human rights.

President Donald Trump tweeted, “I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time, and place.”

Since then, people have been coming forward with their stories on why they also didn’t report, using the hashtag #WhyIDidn’tReport.

I believe Ford. Society now is more accepting of people coming forward with their accusations. We need to be better as a society in creating a space for people to talk about their experiences.

We need to believe the victims and survivors when they come forward, regardless of when they chose to. There are so many reasons not to report an assault. And there are so many reasons to believe the victims of these crimes. They are being incredibly brave by coming forward. Erin Scott

Some have asked, “why now? Why wait until Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court?”

Ford knew her assaulter was going to be in an extreme position of power. Is it not the perfect time for her to come forward? She represents millions of people who feel too afraid, ashamed, or guilty to come forward. She represents the movement towards modern-day America.

She is protecting those who cannot come forward due to whatever circumstance. She knows that Kavanaugh now has has the power to overturn supreme court decisions that were put into place to help and protect millions of people across the nation.

#IBelieveher and I stand with survivors.


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