The Crusader of Sanity

Batman is going to punch Superman in the face...and it will be
Batman is going to punch Superman in the face…and it will be awesome

I don’t think I’m allowed to be a kid anymore. Now, those of you who know me well or even vaguely are thinking: “Brian, you’re 21-years-old. You haven’t been a kid for four years now.”

Those of you who know me less vaguely are thinking: “Brian, you’ve never been any fun. You were never a kid.” Fair points all. But something is about to happen this week that will be the fulfillment of everything I’ve ever wanted as a kid: Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice.

When I was younger, I was an early compulsive follower of movie news on the internet. My favorite rumor that was constantly circulating was that one day Batman and Superman would fight in a movie.

Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised that one day it would eventually happen. I think the idea of Superman and Batman fighting is too tempting for Hollywood to ignore and with superhero movies being as hot as they are, I’m sure the temptation to make that happen was at an all-time high.

What makes this sort of a one-two punch though, is the fact that this movie is being released three months after Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens.

If I haven’t given this away already, I am a huge nerd and in heaven in terms of movies right now. But, I address these things with a certain pang of sadness.

I feel like a very self-aware child with Christmas approaching. I’ve made my wish list. The decorations are up. I’ve sent my letters to Santa Clause and there are presents under the tree. I’m looking at those presents now and I want to open them, but at the same time, I know that if I do open those presents that the mystery and all the anticipation will fade away.

I guess in a way I’ve already started opening those presents, so to speak, considering that I’ve already seen The Force Awakens. I had always wondered what happened after Return of the Jedi and now I have my answer.

Now, I’m going to see what finally happens when the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel decide to come to blows with one another. Who will win? What will happen? How will they become friends at the end and form the Justice League?

All of these questions and more will be answered. That both exhilarates me and disappoints me at the same time. I kind of like the answers that I have in my head as to what would happen and now I am going to see someone else’s vision and have to accept it as the definitive vision of that sacred battle.

I think once the final credits for Batman v. Superman roll, my inner 10-year-old will be dead and buried. That last thing that I never got to see as a kid will have been seen and no matter whether it is good or bad, it will exist. The mystery will cease to exist.

I’m sure you will be able to check back here for a full Batman v. Superman review in our next issue of The Xavierite (not next week, but the week after). More on this story as it happens.

Brian Laughran