With finals week quickly approaching, and for many of us already taking finals this week, I found it fitting to address the stress that typically accompanies the end of the semester.
With grades, graduation, loans, money, jobs, friends, and family all on the mind, the end of the semester is filled with anxiety, stress, and plenty of sleepless nights.
We have all had one or two Red Bull triggered all nighters, which ultimately leaves us more anxious and jittery than we were before.
Stress and anxiety doesn’t just make us feel bad, it can have a tremendous impact on our health and that very important final grade.
Stress and anxiety weaken our immune systems making us more susceptible to become sick, and no one wants to be sick during finals week.
Test anxiety is also a common complaint for students who tend to panic before and during exams.
This has a logical impact on the final score this person receives.
Through my own experiences and research, I have found a few ways to prevent and cope with the stress and anxiety that comes with the ending of the semester.
I have created a short list of ways to avoid a “Finals Week Meltdown,” and to finish this year off the healthy and happy way. Although some may seem obvious, it is important to remind ourselves of the little things that will help us ace these finals.
- Stay organized: With multiple classes, assignments, and exams it is easy to forget a thing or two. It is also very overwhelming to simply think of all the things you have to do.
I have always found that making a calendar of everything I need to do in the final two weeks of school is the easiest way to visually see everything that I need to do. It also will allow you to time manage and dedicate certain days for the most urgent exam or assignment.
- Monitor you caffeine intake: Over 400mg of caffeine per day is considered unhealthy and dangerous for adults. (Mayo Clinic) To put that in reference that is about four cups of coffee (8oz. cups, not a Venti at Starbucks), or two energy drinks. With a coffee for breakfast, tea at lunch, soda for dinner, and an energy drink to get studying, it is easy to surpass this number. According to Mayo Clinic, heavy caffeine consumption can lead to: nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, and a jittery feeling.
Therefore, caffeine can make your anxiety and stress even worst. Stick to that schedule to avoid the all-nighters and the need for an overconsumption of caffeine.
- Get some alone time: Odds are that everyone else around you is also stressed and probably will be complaining about everything that all of you need to do. Therefore, I find it better to avoid these situations that will lead me to become stressed and anxious as well.
This alone time, even if its only for a half hour or so will help you calm your mind and help you focus on what you need to do, instead of what everyone else at school is freaking out about.
- Exercise: Although you may feel like you have no time to hit up the gym, this could be the key to maintaining your sanity throughout finals week.
Pumping some iron or running around the track is a great way to get the blood pumping and your mind off of everything else. Besides stress reduction, studies have shown that there is a link between exercise and memory improvement, which can certainly help you out on any final.
- It is not the end of the world: Life continues to go on after finals week regardless of how you do.
So try your best to relax and think of how good you will feel during Christmas when this semester is over.
Five years from now you will certainly not remember how you did on all of these finals.
Henceforth, put things into perspective.
Although doing well on finals is important, there are much bigger things in life.
Zach Heppner
Viewpoints Editor