Most college students want to be healthy and want to eat right, but sometimes don’t have the funds. I will be talking about portion size, healthy snacks, certain foods to stay away from, and workouts.
Many times we don’t have time in the morning or we tell ourselves we aren’t hungry. One of the most important things for eating right is portion size. Portion size based on a diet of three meals a day, or you can do five small meals throughout the day. The most important meal of the day, of course, is breakfast, So plan out your meals the day before. Learn proper portion size to avoid eating too much even if the foods are home.
It is recommended that you focus on an intake of 2000 cal per day. If you work out 2500 cal, or according to your work out you would raise your calorie count since you are burning more fat. It is important to not overeat because it can cause your stomach to expand and crave more food. You also don’t want to eat the same food every day; changing up your diet is important for good nutrition. If you wake up early in the morning and don’t have time for breakfast make sure use eat later on and have a piece of fruit or some kind of snack before you head out.
If you’re like me, keep snacks in your bag but make sure that they’re healthy. You’re more likely to reach for the snacks in your bag that are junk food than healthy snacks with you. So if you replace the Cheetos with fruits or other healthy snacks it’ll give you a better chance at being healthy. You can arrange your breakfast the night before with your lunch. So in the morning you can grab it and put it in a lunch bag for later.
It is also good to drink water moderately. College students are infamous for drinking at parties. While you were having a good time, you were consuming all those calories. Try to avoid binging on beer and avoid hangovers that cause negative facts on your body. Since we are in college, we are bound to be stressed.
Still, try not to stress eat. When it is time for exams, we usually reach for a bag of chips, but try and reach for something healthy to wake you up. Don’t forget to drink lots of water, it’ll be good for you. Not only will eating carrots help with your health, but they also help with eyesight. Make sure to work out daily to keep your heartbeat going. Limit how much sugar and caffeine beverages you take, because they can be fatty.
Also, causing a detrimental effect on your overall health. You should also limit your junk food intake, you can save the snacks for the weekend, junk foods should not be eaten every day. Make it a part of your routine to eat right, stock up on healthy foods and snacks. If you don’t buy junk food it won’t be hard to avoid them while they’re staring at you on the counter.
Try to avoid skipping meals; with your packed schedule it is easy to skip meals, but you are depriving your body of nutrient. When you starve your body it goes into survival mode, which means it breaks down sugars in your body to keep you going, causing you to gain weight. Indulging every once in a while isn’t a bad thing, so eating healthy throughout the week means you can eat junk on the weekends. It doesn’t mean eat a salad one day and eat Mcdonalds for the rest of the week, it won’t help. It may also help to take vitamins every day to get the essentials, like vitamin C to bust your immune system. There are multi-vitamins that can help you stay healthy and keep you from getting an illness.
A great way to save money is to download coupon apps, and look at sales, comparing prices is also a good way to save money. I recommend shopping at Walmart, Aldi, or even Save A Lot. Each of these stores sells healthy foods for cheap. It can also help by looking at my article for pre-prepped meals if you want some foods and recipes to make the day before.
The best thing to do is plan out what you’d be doing for the week. Based, on what you want to eat, what workout you’d do and so on. I recommend looking at your schedule and finding times you can go and workout. Pinterest has many step-by-step workouts easy for starters. You can focus on legs, arms, or even take classes like Zumba and Kickboxing. It is a great way to find a friend to go and keep you accountable.
You can create a board for different categories for working out and healthy food recipes. You can find workouts according to TNS Healthy Snacks/ Apples, walnuts, Chesse and Crackers Renee Ittner-McManus your preference such as legs, arms, cardio, and even losing weight. Pinterest includes diets and what foods can help with certain parts of your body. Being held accountable is a great way to keep in check and motivated to continue working out and eating healthy. Staying active one to two hours a day is a great way to lose weight. Since losing weight is hard try avoid eating after 7pm. You can also try and cut 500 to 1,000 calories a day from your diet in order to lose weight.
Doing this can result in losing 1 to 2 pounds. When you drink your water you can add berries, lemons, strawberries, and a bit of honey. This water will detox your body and help your skin become clearer. It also tastes good and is great way to help you drink more water. The detox water has benefits of clear skin from the lemon and it is low on calories. There is a reduction of DNA damage and helps prevent aging and cancer. Staying healthy is not only beneficial now but will help you in the future. The results are great, such as living a longer life. Staying active is also know for reducing stress and helping you feel happier. Eating healthy has tremendous benefits for your skin and organs.
Resulting in cleaning out your system and arteries reducing heart failure and heart attacks. I hope you are able to use these tips in order to rock that summer body you are working hard for. I recommend looking at my previous articles to help you with dieting and getting healthy.
Priscilla Vargas
Features Reporter