I recently had the chance to sit down with Saint Xavier Freshman Nick Henderson for the second time. Although he is an English major he has a pronounced love for music and performance arts. Henderson opened up about his musical background and experiences as well as the progress he is making on his unreleased EP.
As with many musicians he picked up on his fascination with the medium at an early age.
“Singing, I know, it’s going to sound stereotypical, but since I was like four or five. My aunt tells the story that I came over her house and she was playing the Michael Jackson song “Butterflies” and immediately I started singing and dancing. Dancing in front of crowds and people really motivated to keep going because I just realized that this was something I wanted to do.”
In regards to whether that said aunt or any of his family were musically inclined, although his brother raps, Henderson maintained that they weren’t. His father, however, has a love for music that he states was passed down to him.
That respect and eye for good music makes him the perfect confidant when it comes to Henderson needing someone to critique his songs.
Before he came to SXU, Nick danced in Endure Dance Productions in Chicago. Currently, he is a Teen President but he reflects on one of the greatest memories that he has of his time there.
“I was a back up dancer for the band Pink Floyd. It was at Wrigley field–over 30,000 people there, just this huge stadium. It’s just little you dancing on the stage. It’s just something that I’ll never forget. In that moment, I just felt so one with God. It just felt like God was showing me this is where you’re meant to be, this is going to be your life. So, that’s why I we’ll always remember that moment,” said the unique and soulful Freshman.
Endure boasts different opportunities for its youth, allowing some of their strongest dancers to go out to perform locally. In the past, that has included Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Push Coalition however Henderson states that performing for the band Pink Floyd was the biggest event that they have participated in.
With such a massive performance opportunity on his mantle of accomplishments, Henderson is awaiting even bigger things on the horizon. So, naturally the obligatory five year plan question reared its head.
“I really thank God a lot because I know that he gave me these gifts to share with people and I just know–to the level that I’m passionate–that God is gonna honor that and allow me to showcase it to as many people as possible. I definitely want a record deal and I want to be acting in something,” mused Henderson. “I don’t know whether that’s TV. And I love broadway and I’ve been close to being on Broadway with Motown the Musical but I was too young so I definitely want to revisit that. That was a great opportunity.”
While in the realm of thinking about records and deals, the topic of his new EP came up and how he handles the recording process. He recalled that he started recording two years a ago with a friend who had similar interests.
However, the first time around wasn’t so easy because he had very little idea about what he was doing. It was a new experience for the both of them working together.
“The first time around, I think, my single was the first thing I brought to [my friend]. The first time…he made just a really basic instrumental to where I can record my vocals and then he’ll send me the finished product. So, that’s how we’ve pretty much done most of my EP. I feel like there’s so much creativity going on on both ends and its just really fun,” said Henderson.
As to whether he has any weird rituals to get him into the right headspace during recording sessions he laughs but persists that he doesn’t although he is adamant about praying. He says that it’s important to him to do so because he knows that’s where his music is coming from.
“In my music I’m not necessarily trying to preach to people with this particular project…but i do want them to feel a sense of inspiration or even some sense of spirituality like they can get in tune with their own beliefs.”
While the pressures of performing within one genre of music may be steep at time–Henderson grew with a strong Christian foundation–the bubbly young and inspired young man doesn’t want to be held down by the expectations of others. The most important thing to him is coming from a place that is within him and finding his own personal and musical identity.
“I’m entitled to express where I was in a certain place as an artist and I don’t think I should have to feel bad about what I’m putting out there…with this project I feel like i’m being true to myself, ” Henderson concluded.
Most of all, Henderson praises the environment of encouragement and the resources that Saint Xavier has to offer to its students. Hopes that any potential incoming students get the chance to experience this campus for themselves.
Zhana Johnson
Senior Features Editor