Image from ReFocus Flyer.
Image from ReFocus Flyer.

Wednesday, April 9 from 5-6:30 p.m. Career Services will be hosting a senior class career event titled ReFOCUS on the Future in the Butler Reception room.

The main goal of this event, according to Mary Fitzpatrick, the Assistant Director of Career Services, is for seniors to feel prepared for going out into the working world. It was this goal that influenced the topics picked for the workshop.

One topic is titled “Help! I still don’t know what I want to do!” where students will learn about different strategies to link their interests to possible careers.

Another topic is the “Top 10 Things You Need to Know Before Your Interview,” which can help students discover what they can expect to during a job interview.

Students will also get to learn about what they should look for in a salary offer, benefits package and a retirement plan under the topic “Is this a good salary? Evaluating the Offer.”

For those who are worried about working with coworkers from a different generation, this event will look at “When Generations Collide at Work,” providing students with tips on how to work with people from other generations.

Lastly, there will be a talk about “How Not to Live at Home Forever,” which will provide students with an idea of how to budget and plan their finances so they can eventually move out of their parents’ house.

“I think that this event is going to be really positive for those of us who are graduating. It might be able to calm some of our trepidation for what comes after graduation,” said senior Amy Johnson.

This is the first time that Career Services will be running the event, and they will be handing out an evaluation to seniors to hear what the students liked and if there was anything else they would have like to hear about.

Those participants who fill out the survey will be placed in a drawing where two seniors will be chosen to win a Kindle Fire.

When asked what topic she wishes someone had discussed with her as an undergraduate senior Ms. Fitzpatrick said, “What I wish someone would have discussed more with me is how to negotiate an offer for a job as well as a budgeting plan. I didn’t know what was considered a good benefit plan or how much I should be asking to be paid. With budgeting I knew the basics from my parents, but I really struggled with working my student loans into my plans.”

This event is one that all students, especially seniors, can benefit from. Pizza will also be provided for those students who come to the event.

So come by and learn what job you may want, how to get it and how to not live in your parents’ basement forever.

Catlyn Hicks
Senior News Editor