A new Learning Management System has been introduced to Saint Xavier University in 2014. The new LMS, Canvas, was overwhelmingly approved by faculty last fall, according to the Center of Instructional Design and Academic Technology Director, Chris Zakrzewski. Although Canvas will not be fully implemented until the 2014-2015 academic year, many professors are using the new LMS in their courses. Currently, 35 professors are using Canvas in 35 courses. Students may access Canvas at https://sxu.instructure.com to have take a look at the its layout.
The Nursing Department is using Canvas the most by offering it in ten courses. Canvas is also being used in Accounting, Biology, Chemistry, Criminal Justice, Education, First Year Seminar and English courses.
The following Professors have opted to use Canvas: Amy Fry, Char Bermele, Maggie Reneau, Monica Ryan, Patricia Kelly, Terry Miller, Zepure Samawi, Jason Lambert, Joseph Cherian, Pam Schwer, Tom Wogan, Anne George, David Bell, Jack Zihert, Julie Reinhart, Kathleen, Mclnerney, Ruth Rohlwing, Tara Joyce, Aaron Canty Bindhu Varughese, Gina Rossetti, Jacqueline Battalora, Joe Dertien, Josephine Ebomoyi, Julia Bingham, Mary Beth Tegan, Megan Alderden, Michael Bathgate, Michael Hardy, Michael O’Keeffe, Nathan Peck, Norman Boyer, Shannon Ambrose and Xavier Perez.

This Early Adopter Program means students enrolled in courses that use Canvas, will have to concurrently use Canvas and Saint Xavier University’s current LMS, BlackBoard. This may prove to irritate some students, but it lets them compare the two systems side-by-side. Brandon Simoes, a junior Saint Xavier University student, has had the chance to experience this and says, “It, [Canvas], is a lot simpler than Blackboard and easier to navigate too.”
One of the most interesting additions in Canvas is its integration with social media. Canvas is able to connect to a student’s Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Skype accounts. Through those social media accounts the student may elect to receive notifications from Canvas on their accounts or connect with students from their classes if those students also elect to connect Canvas to their social media accounts. This makes it nearly impossible for students to miss an announcement because Canvas has the capability of notifying student via text, email, and social media.
Besides the additional features that Canvas offers, many students are excited by the new layout that Canvas offers. Cate Sitko, a sophomore nursing student, says, “Canvas is easier to use than Blackboard because everything is connected, but I would not want to connect it to my social media.” Canvas keeps everything together by integrating many services like G-mail and Google Docs. The time students save from the efficiency of Canvas can then be invested in schoolwork.
Another feature offered by Canvas that has a sophomore accounting student, Perla Sahagun, buzzing. The calendar is her favorite feature offered in Canvas. Perla says, “I like it, it is very convenient since it shows all your homework for all of your classes.”
A study done by Ball State University’s Dr. Ron Kovac ranked the LMSs available in 2012; Blackboard’s Learn 9, Desire2Learn’s Learning Environment, Moodle’s Stable Version 2.2, Sakai’s Collaborative Learning Environment 2.8.1, Instructure’s Canvas, LoudCloud Systems’ LoudCloud Ecosystem and Pearson’s OpenClass. Blackboard’s market share of 57.1 percent in 2010 was much larger than Instructure’s Canvas which was too low to be reported, according to the study.
However, the study ranked Canvas ahead of all seven LMSs in the study. This was mostly due to Canvas’ high rankings in the following categories: Innovative-ness, Usability and Cost. The study gave Canvas a 14.45 on a 20 point scale and concluded that Canvas “seems to be all-around excellent.” The next closest LMS was Desire2Learn’s Learning Environment with a score of 12.65. Blackboard’s Learn 9 came in last with a score of 9.2 and the lowest cost ranking of all.
David Rodrigues
News Editor