Saint Xavier is revving up to host its first annual Drag Show on November 10th, which will be run by SXU’s Spectrum Alliance. President Jose Tinajero had much to say. “This is the second year that Spectrum Alliance has been active.
“When I found out that we were going to start up Spectrum Alliance, I was really interested and excited to finally join a space that was both open and inviting toward the LGBT+ community here in SXU. In short, I just wanted to find gay friends.”
Tinajero mentioned that his experience meeting other queer people have been hit or miss, which fueled him to reinvigorate Spectrum, saying, “Maybe I could be the nice gay.”
Tinajero has not always been the President of Spectrum, and noted the stark differences in his position of leadership. “Last year, I was not as important of a member of the Board. One thing I think we didn’t really work as hard on is that we didn’t really make our presence known. Not that many people knew that we existed, and still to this day people don’t.
“That’s still a goal of mine. To make sure people know there’s a Spectrum Alliance. That people know there is a place where other members of the LGBTQ community, as well as allies, can meet other individuals like them. [Last year], there weren’t many big events. Like, to get our foot plant our mark here. That’s what I decided to do this year. I want to get our name more recognized, and we’ll go from there.”
When asked what inspired him to have a drag show, Tinajero stated,
“It’s never been done. Ever since the start of my participation in Spectrum Alliance, I’ve wanted to have a drag show. I think it’s just such a big staple to have a drag show. It’s such a big part of LGBT history, like, why not? I think it’s so much fun, and from my own experience of drag shows, I’d love to bring them here.”
The response has been overwhelmingly positive, as Tinajero puts it.
“Everyone’s first reaction is, ‘Here? Really? Where at?’ And I’m just like ” It’s gonna be here, in the Butler Reception Room. I just love seeing the reactions and the reception….I’ve never even thought of this place like that. Religion isn’t really shoved in your face [at Saint Xavier University], so I didn’t even really think twice about why I couldn’t be here. From what I know, we’ve never had any negative feedback. We’ve never been attacked. No one’s ever tried to tear down our posters or tried to slander us in any way.”
Tinajero says that if there’s one thing that isn’t going smoothly, it’s allies feeling of intrusion.
“We’ve had a couple of people that don’t identify as queer afraid to audition. They say ‘I don’t want to intrude’,’I don’t want to take away from it’, or they think that their involvement would tarnish it. If anything, it’s welcome. We have 3 performances that aren’t particularly drag, but they’re performers and they’re still welcome. We’re not forcing people to wear wigs, and we’re not looking to make you guys feel uncomfortable. If you’re straight, you’re not gay to perform in a drag show, and I think that’s just hard to make people understand.”
As for the future, Tinajero has large dreams. “I want to plan bigger events like this. Maybe plan events with other RSOs. I’d love to have more of a presence, have more members, and have more visibility.”
With the interview wrapping up, Tinajero had some closing statements. “Come to the Drag Show. It’s gonna be November 10th, 9pm to 11pm. It’s gonna be fun, come through. And, also stay after. We’re gonna have a meet and greet with all the performers.”
Spectrum Alliance can be on the following social medias; Instagram: @SXUSpectrum, Twitter: @SXU_Spectrum, The Den: @Spectrum Alliance.”
Eric Perez
News Reporter