SXU Homecoming Week Boasts Wide Offerings

The university is pumped up for homecoming The Xavierite
The university is pumped up for homecoming
The Xavierite

One of the busiest weeks of the school year is upon us: Homecoming Week. This week brings many activities and events to the campus in order to build up excitement and school spirit for Saturday’s football game against St. Francis.

While planning for these activities, many factors are taken into consideration and many hours are put forth by staff and students alike.

Jose Vazquez, Assistant Director of Student Activities, expresses that it takes time to schedule these events so that all students are able to attend.

With this consideration of the students in mind, Vasquez notes that there is a wide variety of times that these events occur, so that there is a “good combination of activities for both students and residents.”

Vazquez also mentions that there are many people involved with the creation and execution of Homecoming Week activities. Not only does it take prominent staff leaders, but strong student involvement as well, particularly from the Saint Xavier Council.

As noted by SXC President, Mallorie Rosales, “The Saint Xavier Council (SXC) has been working diligently to plan events for Homecoming Week 2014.

The Programming Board on SXC is primarily responsible for the planning of events; however, many ideas are contributed by members on the other branches on SXC. We all work together to plan, advertise, and staff the events, which makes for a very successful week by Saturday.”

With such events as Mid-Week Mayhem, Pictures with Champ the Cougar, the Cougar 5K, and of course, the well anticipated football game, the week is sure to be a great success. Vazquez, most excited to see how the Thursday Takeover turns out, mentions that the campus is widely used in these events.

Ranging from the diner to the Shannon Center to the quads, the campus will be brightened up with school spirit.

If you are interested in participating, there are activities such as the Thursday Takeover, Get in the Spirit!, or the Cougar 5K. For those who just want to watch, there are sporting events throughout the week including a women’s volleyball game and a men’s soccer game.

On a final note, Rosales states that “Homecoming Week has always been one of my favorite times of the school year. I, personally, enjoy the thrill of school spirit combined with all of the activities going on during the week. It is an exciting time of the year, and I am anticipating another successful week this Fall!”

With so many events unfolding during homecoming week there surely will be a festivity that will fit you perfectly. Be sure to keep an eye out for one of these many events that will be unfolding on the campus in the coming days.

To become involved with these and other upcoming activities, be sure to keep up with events hosted by the SXC and Campus life.

Julie Gardner
News Contributor

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