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Starting on Nov. 3 and continuing throughout the month to Dec. 10, the Student Veteran Alliance has placed collection bins around campus for students to donate new, unwrapped toys to the Toys for Tots charity.
“The purpose of the Toys for Tots program is to help less fortunate children not only have something to open on Christmas morning, but to also promote a message of hope,” said John Kelly, a co-adviser to the Student Veteran Alliance.
The Toys for Tots toy drive began with Kelly in 2012.
Before Kelly, SXU participated in the Toys for Tots toy drive only on occasion.
SXU has now taken part in the drive for three consecutive years, thanks to Kelly.
“When I was a student veteran here at SXU in 2012, I started the first drive. Then when the Student Veterans Alliance was formed (after I graduated) they took over. The SVA has been doing a great job with the Toys for Tots drive ever since,” Kelly said.
Anyone can participate in this charity by purchasing a toy and placing it in one of the donation bins located around campus.
Kelly notes that “only new unwrapped toys can be accepted for donation. Please no stuffed animals as they can get dirty during the handling process.”
No matter what toy is donated, a child will be joyous to receive it on Christmas morning.
One of the main locations to donate a toy is at the Student Veteran Resource Center.
Other locations include the Shannon Center, the Campus Life Office, the Office of Financial Aid, and Gilhooley’s, where you will find a large bin to place the toys in for the charity.
If you are unable to donate a toy, but still want to participate in the Toys for Tots charity there are still opportunities to do so.
“There is also an opportunity to volunteer in the Toys for Tots warehouse. They will need help sorting toys as well as handing them out to area non-profit organizations,” said Kelly.
If this is of interest, more information can be found at the Toys for Tots website, or through contact with Kelly by email: johnkelly@sxu.edu.
Kelly comments that “The Saint Xavier community has always been very generous in regards to this toy drive, but with that being said there can never be too many donations.” It is encouraged to give back during the holiday season and this charity is an excellent way to do so.
If you are interested in participating in this charity, check out the Toys for Tots website, or contact Mr. John Kelly for more information.
Julie Gardner
News Correspondent