Student Speaker: The Chosen One

Screen shot 2013-12-04 at 6.35.58 PM Graduate Student Nicholas Cozzi has been chosen to deliver the student speech during Saint Xavier University’s Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, December 14, 2013.

Cozzi was selected through a competitive process where students apply to be the student speaker and are chosen by a committee of faculty, staff, and students.

Those students who were interested to be considered the speaker must have met the following guidelines: be graduating in December 2013 and attending the commencement ceremony, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be in good disciplinary standing, and hold a record of academic achievement, service and involvement on campus.
It is no surprise the Cozzi met all of these requirements considering all of his past achievements.
Hailing from Chicago, Illinois he attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he obtained his B.S. in Neurobiology.

At UW-Madison Cozzi was not only on the Deans List while receiving various First Aid and Emergency Responder certifications, but was also one of two under graduates chosen to participate in a class that focused on learning clinical skills in the Spanish Language.

While Cozzi shows a passion for the medical field, as is evidenced by his previous medical research into epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, and strokes, he will be receiving an MBA with a focus in management when he graduates.

Cozzi states, “I praise the education I have received here at Saint Xavier and I am grateful to have learned from and worked with such exceptional faculty, staff, and students.”

He is currently deciding between various medical school acceptances for Fall 2014, and believes that his MBA work has prepared him for both current and future challenges in the medical field such as, insurance, litigation, finances, organization management, etc.

Beyond a resume listing his many qualifications and achievements, Cozzi also had to submit a draft of his speech that had requirements of its own. All speeches submitted had to be three to five minutes in length and approximately 750 to 850 in words.

When it comes to writing the speech every applicant is left to choose what theme and personal experiences he or she has experienced here at Saint Xavier that has influenced him or her.

After being selected as one of the semifinalists Cozzi had to present his speech in front of the committee before the final selection was made.

One of these traits that the committee looks for in the chosen speaker is his or her’s speech’s ability to appeal to both the graduates and the audience who will be attending the ceremony.

Unfortunately the theme for this speech will remain under wraps until December 14.

However, we were able to ask Cozzi what he contributes his ongoing success to, his answer was, “I credit the unwavering support of my family as one of the key reasons for my success so far.”

With all the success that Cozzi has seen so far it will not be a surprise if his speech is one as well.

At 10 a.m. on Saturday, December 14, the Commencement Ceremony will be streamed live online.

Anyone who is thinking of applying to be the student speaker during a future ceremony can watch Cozzi’s speech and see what he or she would have to do.

Catlyn Hicks
Senior News Editor