Student Media Says Goodbye to Bryan Anderson

Bryan Anderson – photo credit: Cheyanne Daniels

Bryan Anderson is a graduating senior of Saint Xavier University with a major in Marketing.

Bryan is a transfer student to Saint Xavier. He attended two previous institutions before coming to Saint Xavier. This is his third (and final) semester here.

“This school has been my favorite out of the three schools I’ve been to. I haven’t met people here I don’t like,” Bryan said.

In coming to Saint Xavier, Bryan has been involved with student media. He has worked for student media for the past semester as the Business Manager.

As Business Manager, Bryan goes to local businesses and asks them for sponsorship money. The money helps the Student Media department fun more effiiciently.

As Business Manager, Bryan has worked with Bookies and Sweet Freaks to help bring in money for Student Media.

“I was sent an email about this position and I needed an internship,” Bryan said,

“It turned out really great. The people here have all been really awesome. This position also helped get me out of my comfort zone because I had to go out and talk to random people and kind of be like a salesperson. Plus, this helped me be more organized.”

Outside of school, Bryan enjoys playing with his puppy Duke, playing music, extra large sweaters, finding new coffee shops, and avoiding responsibilities only to regret it later, and reading.

“Right now I’m reading Devil in the White City. It’s really good, a little confusing to follow at times, but really good.

“I also want to read a book called Artemis which is by the same guy who wrote Martian. I’ve never read Harry Potter though.”

“I also really like local coffee shops. Starbucks is fine, but I like Ashbury’s in Willow Springs. Besides, on 99th and Wood street is really cool – they only play vinyl in there!”

Bryan says he started looking for coffee shops to go to his junior year at Robert Morris.

“I had a lot of down time in between classes, and I was in the city, so I would go around looking for these places,” Bryan explained.

Bryan says his love for coffee began as a funny story.

“My sophomore year, I had a geology class at nine o’clock in the morning, twice a week. It was three hours. My teacher was some old guy who was passionate about rocks, but I wasn’t, so I would fall asleep in his class.

“He got angry one day and kicked me out of his class and told me there was a Dunkin Donuts across the street and not to come back until I had coffee. That’s not where my love of coffee began, but it’s where my tolerance started.”

In looking towards the future, Bryan says he has no set plans, but that he hopes to be able to travel some day.

“I want to do something that is traveling based. The biggest place I want to go to right now is the Pacific Northwest, like Oregon and Washington.

“My friend lives there right now and he really likes it, he says everyone is laid back. I think there are a lot more people our age there, so I think I’d fit in psychographically.”

Besides traveling, Bryan also hopes to pursue his passions.

“I’d like to work for a cool company, somewhere where I am appreciated. Maybe I’ll start my own company. That would be cool. I want to be my own boss one day.”

Even though Bryan is graduating in December, he promises to visit the Xavierite often….the Xavierite Staff expects him to actually keep this promise.

Feel free to follow Bryan on Insta and Twitter: @bryguydafryguy.

Cheyanne Daniels

News Editor