SXU TV is a live-stream service that enables students to view Athletic Events, Music Concerts, Live Debates, and various other student-oriented events. SXU TV is set to debut on Homecoming.
As Peter Kreten, Director of Student Media said, “SXU TV is the brand new online portal in which SXU will be broadcasting SXU athletics and other student produced content. On this portal, you will be able to watch events live as they happen, and also on demand.”
“The purpose of SXU TV is twofold. The first is to give SXU students another media avenue to learn about and broadcast their own original content on. The second is to provide the public with another media source covering news and information on Saint Xavier University which will hopefully help them learn more about SXU and its mission, and be entertained by the content produced by its students.”
SXU TV’s main purpose is to allow students to have a new creative outlet that they have not been exposed to before. Unlike a regular network, it is completely user controlled on both ends. As Mike Grimm said, “SXU TV is a streaming network, its not a traditional network; if you go to ESPN or Fox News, you’re at the mercy of that program. the difference is that the end user (student) gets to decide what content they wish to see.”
SXU TV is also meant as a way to reach out to the surrounding community, and to spread the word about Saint Xavier University, and its mission.
As Assistant Director Rob Huizenga said, “My main interest in this was to try to create something where we could allow fans and parents and people unable to attend their children’s games or follow their favorite teams the opportunity of viewing it online or using a smartphone, just as a different way of reaching the fan base. We would like to allow fans that opportunity, and bring home events at SXU to the masses.”
SXU TV will be provided by Stretch Internet, and they are responsible for creating the two portals to be used by the students and faculty. There is a campus wide portal, which is branded SXU TV, and there is the Athletics page, which will include other features such as live stat tracking.
Assistant Director Mike Grimm from Productions Services, Assistant Director Rob Huizenga from Sports Information and Director Peter Kreten from Student Media oversee SXU TV.
“Its a more visual, more entertaining way to engage the campus community with a variety of content, whether its university sponsored events, athletics, music concerts, lectures, or whether its another outlet to take the dialogue out of the classroom and share it with the university.
Right now, we are trying to get it started. Production services is a department of just one staff member; that’s me. I have a lot on my plate, and I have a handful of student workers who are fantastic, and really help me out. As far as the future goes, its open ended. Its up to you guys. in the end, its the students will dictate its future. whether it lives or it dies, you guys will dictate whether or not it succeds and the content that’s there.”
For all Cougar Athletics events, one can view them at www.sxucougars.com. For non-athletic programming one will be able to view it on www.sxustudentmedia.com.
Robert Lachowski
News Editor