Preventative Safety Locks Installed in Campus Classrooms

SAFEBOLT Emergency Lock                  The Xavierite 

During winter break, Saint Xavier University (SXU)  installed one-hundred and four SAFEBOLT emergency locks  on classroom doors around campus. 

On Feb. 10, 2025, Public Safety sent out an email regarding new information pertaining to these locks. 

“The SXU Public Safety Department, Facilities Management and the Student Government Association (SGA) worked collaboratively over the past year to identify a classroom safety solution that would provide a mechanism to lock down a classroom in the event of an emergency,” said Public Safety in the email. 

“Locks can protect people from harm during emergencies by controlling access, securing  areas that are supposed to be restricted, and providing clear and efficient ways to exit safely. They can prevent unauthorized individuals from entering the building. This helps ensure that only those who are supposed to be in a particular area can access it,” explained Cassidy Dawson, President of Student Government Association. 

A review of several other safety products was done before the decision to use SAFEBOLT emergency locks. 

According to Pete Skach, Director of Facilities and Giuliana Islas, Orientation & Belonging Coord, the locks were installed “as a preventative measure.”

Islas continued by explaining that the idea of safety lock installation came to her when she was a sophomore at SXU when safety measures were being discussed. 

Dawson said, “SGA believes in the best possible campus safety we can provide for our students at SXU.  With scanners already on most doors it was an easy fix to make our campus safe.” 

To use the lock, one must press the red button once from the inside of the room which “instantly locks down the classroom. This one-step approach allows occupants to immediately focus on sheltering in place or evacuating. Even when the SAFEBOLT lock is engaged, exiting is always possible by pulling down the door handle to open it,” according to Public Safety. 

“In the event of an emergency where the classroom door needs to be locked quickly, these devices will allow that to be done by simply pushing the red button in,” stated Skach. 

Locks will only work when the red button is pushed from the inside of the classroom when the door is closed. 

Islas explained, “The door works to keep people out, not to keep people in.”

Peter Skach continued that locks can be opened from the outside if needed in an emergency. “The department of Public Safety has the keys and would be the ones to open any locks from the outside,” he said. 

“Each specific door had to be worked on to accept the new locking devices This required drilling, routing and grinding carefully so that the locking devices worked properly,” Skach further explained. 

Islas shared, “It’s important to have these locks because they can help prevent a tragedy from happening. While there is no 100% sure way to keep students safe, this is a preventative measure that could be very helpful in case of an emergency.” 

Islas explained that after the pandemic and as the ’22-’23 school year began, the doors no longer required swipe access and anyone could walk into campus buildings. 

“This was obviously a safety concern. SGA spent a very long time surveying students to hear their thoughts, and it became overwhelmingly clear that students would feel safer if only people with Cougar IDs could enter the campus,” she said. 

Islas explained that the idea of safety locks came to her when she was a sophomore at SXU when safety measures were being discussed. 

“In the event of an emergency where the classroom door needs to be locked quickly, these devices will allow that to be done by simply pushing the red button in,” stated Skach. 

Islas presented the idea during her time as Vice president of RSO Affairs in Student Government (SGA) in the spring ‘23 semester. She shared her recommendation to the SGA Executive Board and later to Katy Thompson, Vice President of Student Life, and Pete Skach, Director of Facilities Services.

“There had recently been a shooting at a university in Michigan, I believe, and that got me thinking that if there were ever an active shooter on campus, it would be impossible to lock the classroom doors,” stated Islas. 

For instructions on how to use SAFEBOLT emergency locks, refer to the Securitech video or the emergency procedure signage posted in each classroom for a step-by-step guide in the event of an emergency,” according to Public Safety. 

For further information regarding the installation of emergency locks contact, or 773-298-4400.