Pressing Pause on Malicious Pranks

YouTube community denounces Sam Pepper
YouTube community denounces Sam Pepper

YouTube is a website that has revolutionized entertainment.

YouTube has opened up many doors for individuals that are often unseen.

Now the audience is closer and more connected than ever.

The entertainment giant YouTube has launched many into the stardom stratosphere.

“YouTube founded in 2005, YouTube allows billions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos,” said by YouTube.

More than one billion unique users visit YouTube each month and over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month.

Last but not least 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, according to YouTube statistics.

A website that encourages originality and artistic expression from it’s users must get a lot of abstract expression and trends.

YouTube being a platform for self promotion and sharing momentous events can conjure up the question what else is on YouTube and how far do individuals go to become noticed in social media?

Exploring major trends one has lead to speculation as to have we went too far with trends that we forget dignity?

Pranks–some are hilarious, heartfelt, or, at least, questionable.

If you search up “pranks gone wrong” you’ll find content resulting in physical acts of aggression towards the prankers. Or also backlash in the comments section stating how wrong, stupid, sexist, offensive the prank was.

Infamous YouTube pranksters according to would be: Roman Atwood, Magic of Rahat, Stuart Edge, PrankvsPrank, LAHWF, and last, but not least Vitaly Zdorovetskiy.

None of these are like Sam Pepper, a British Youtuber has conducted multiple videos labeled as “pranks” or “social experiments” that reflect sexual harassment towards women and abuse toward peers.

Luckily the Youtube community took notice and banned Sam Pepper from Youtube events and made videos on how his actions were wrong.

While this issue is still current, it raised awareness on how sexual harassment is not tolerated and is morally wrong.

Apart from Sam Pepper’s horrendous act, there are also those pranksters that put their lives at risk for the views, likes, comments and fame.

Putting yourself in a situation in which you have no control of the one being pranked and their reaction is dangerous.

Pranks have been featured on television networks and on MTV’s show “Ridiculousness ” that shows videos from YouTube.

Of course, this giving content creators motivation to create more content no matter how risky it may be.

However, there are also those social experiments that do serve a purpose either to get a point across or provide genuine good spirited humor.

Those haven’t reached the level of the dangerous trends in pranks.

Big names from YouTube also generally have a huge responsibility, that goes without saying, but all the huge entertainers whether it be on YouTube or television have high influence on youth.

Although “pranks” and “social experiments” are hilarious there is a point where lines must be drawn.

Also, taking into account, depending on how huge is your following, your acts can be replicated.

YouTube is amazing for self promotion sharing special moments, but we have to remember everything on the Internet is public and can lead to problems in future opportunities.

Keep making videos but like Stan Lee said “with great power comes great responsibility.”

Jorge Pliego
Features Editor