On Friday, March 15, a terror attack on two mosques took place in Christchurch, New Zealand.
This was a planned terror attack that was not predicted by anyone and it left fifty people dead and another fifty injured. A gunman open fire on the two different mosques at around lunchtime local time, which is commonly the busiest day for numerous mosques around the world.
One of the suspects is twenty-eight year old, Brenton Tarrant. He has been charged with murder in the connection to the attack on the two mosques. The Prime Minister, Ardern of New Zealand, announced early on Saturday that New Zealand’s gun laws would be changing as a response to the terror attack.
She said the primary suspect was in possession of a gun license and used five guns during these attacks. This included two shotguns and also two semi-automatic weapons.
At a news conference in Wellington, she said,”While work is being done as to the chain of events that lead to both the holding of this gun license and the possession of these weapons, I can tell you one thing right now. Our gun laws will change.”
Ardern also described the attack as one of the country’s “darkest days.” She said that the suspects who carried out this attack held “extremist views” that hold no place in New Zealand or anywhere else in the world. As a diverse University with an array of students that have different faiths and beliefs, this terror attack affects the students of Saint Xavier University.
President of SXU Laurie M. Joyner sent out a short email on Monday, March 18, to ask for prayers for the people of New Zealand.
President Joyner started off the email by stating, “In the wake of the terrible and senseless tragedy in New Zealand, Saint Xavier University stands in solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters on campus and across the globe.” SXU promotes a safe and diverse campus that welcomes all religions and wants to provide a safe and comfortable environment for worship.
The email continued with, “Houses of worship for any faith should be places of peace, safety and contemplation. That is the atmosphere we strive to maintain on campus as we celebrate our diversity and uphold it as one of our greatest assets.”
The University’s founders, the Sisters of Mercy, have provided SXU with the main pillars of respect, compassion, hospitality, service, and excellence for the students to follow and uphold.
Joyner ended the email with, “Our shared humanity is something we cherish, and in the spirit of the Sisters of Mercy, Saint Xavier will always support human dignity and work for the common good of all our sisters and brothers.” SXU urges any student to report racism that takes on any form, as it is not condoned by the University. Saint Xavier University wants the students that attend to feel welcome and supported in their religious views even if they differ from the other students’. Students should support one another no matter their race, religion, or ethnicity.
Kylee Rus
News Reporter