Saint Xavier University has announced that it will continue reducing the number of off-campus apartments available to students during the 2013-2014 academic year.
In a letter to residential students, Vice President for Student Affairs, John Pelrine, Jr. announced the decision to reduce the number of off-campus apartments and renovations that will happen to Pacelli Hall.
“In order to be fiscally responsible, we are reducing the number of off-campus spaces for the 2013-2014 academic year to a total of 54 spaces” wrote Pelrine.

Pelrine continued: “This means that a limited number of one and two-bedroom apartments will be available at the Riviera Complex and the university-owned building at 10140 S. Pulaski for the Spring 2013 Housing Reassignment Lottery.”
It was announced in the letter that SXU plans to be eliminate all off campus housing by the Fall of 2014.
Pelrine stated that although the number of first-year students at Saint Xavier has remained consistently stable, fewer of those students are choosing to live in student housing. Pelrine also expects this trend to continue into the upcoming fall semester.
Last August, the administration of SXU announced that Pacelli Hall would be temporarily closed due to the decline of students choosing to reside on campus for the 2012-2013 school year.
Pelrine also confirmed that Pacelli Hall would remain closed for the upcoming 2013-2014 academic school.
In the past few years, Pacelli Hall has primarily been used as housing for first-year students.
“Over the next year, we will conduct a thorough assessment of Pacelli Hall to prepare it for re-opening in Fall 2014 as a building better geared to support second year residents,” Pelrine said.
“The review of Pacelli Hall will include how to improve its appearance, electrical capacity, technology, study areas, and gathering spaces.
We will also consider the inclusion of single room options in Pacelli that may be attractive to upper-division students.”
These announcements came as the housing re-assignment process begins for residential students.
Eileen Doherty, Dean of Students at Saint Xavier University, recently stated: “Residence Life sent out an e-mail on Friday, March 1, regarding the Intent to Return process.”
Doherty describes the process students will need to participate in if they seek to reside on campus.
“Students wishing to participate in the housing reassignment process need to complete the Intent to Return form.”
Doherty explained the re-assignment process as a “randomized lottery system that groups students according to credit hour.”
Students with more credit hours are given a higher preference.
Housing re-assignment will take place on April 9 and 10.
“Residence Life will distribute complete guidelines for the reassignment process in the near future. Also, multiple meetings will be offered to explain the process in detail and answer any questions” said Doherty.

In terms of the lesser availability of off-campus housing locations to come, many students have expressed discontent with the closing off the university apartments and condos.
“Administrators may view the removal of off-campus living spaces as the responsible thing to do, but in my opinion, it takes away the likelihood of students opting for on-campus living,” Jazmyne Brown, sophomore psychology major, stated.
Most students live on campus for the opportunity to gain this freedom [living at off-campus housing locations] as a junior or senior. At least, I know I did” Brown continued.
A student wishing to remain anonymous argued a similar point.
“I don’t think it’s going to attract people to this school.
Most people deal with dorming so they can eventually move into apartments,” the student stated.
In the same letter addressed to residential students, Pelrine stated: “that although it is understood that the housing option changes may cause an inconvenience, the university ‘must strive to be fiscally responsible’.”
Pelrine encourages students to voice concerns, ask questions, give feedback, and explain any constructive ideas on changes in policies, activities, or living accommodations to the Resident Hall Association (RHA) to help the experience of resident students.
“I encourage you to work with RHA to bring forth your concerns and questions, as well constructive ideas for improving policies, activities, and the overall experience of living in university housing,” Pelrine wrote.
To assist in the voicing of student concerns, an open session will be held in McGuire Hall on Monday, March 18 at noon. All resident students are welcome to attend.
In addition, students who are unable to attend can contact Pelrine via e-mail at or by the extension 3121.
Nicole Rosales, Senior News Editor
Nermeen Shaabneh, News Editor