Nutrition Weight Loss Program begins June 11th!

8 Week Nutrition Weight Loss Class


Begins Tuesday, June 11th  

Taught by Registered Dietitian, Certified Personal Trainer, and Shannon Center Nutritionist, Kelly Devine Rickert, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN.

Join this program to help learn healthy nutrition tips to help you lose weight!

  • There will be 2 online classes and 5 classroom lessons provided every Tuesday from 6:30-7:30pm at the Shannon Center.

  • Once registered, you will be able to log onto the nutrition class website.

  • You will weigh in every Tuesday and submit your weight online.

  • Instructional video lesson of the week will be posted online each Tuesday.

  • PowerPoint lessons, handouts, a meal plan and food journals will be provided.

  • All materials for the class will be posted online so access to the internet and email is mandatory.

  • New this class! Grocery Store Tour on Tuesday, June 25th at 6:30pm- Pete’s Fresh Market


SXU Students               $40

SXU Faculty/Staff          $75.00

SXU Alumni/Members    $75.00

Community                    $90.00



Please visit Keyword: Upcoming Wellness Events or contact Kristy Allen at 773-298-3586 or with any questions.