Nursing Offers Accelerated Program

Nursing in the classroom.
Nursing in the classroom.
Saint Xavier University’s School of Nursing will be launching a fifteen-month accelerated program for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing so students who already have a baccalaureate degree can move quickly through the pre-licensure program.

It has been projected that the need for nurses will only increase due to the new healthcare reform and retiring nurses. With this need for nurses the School of Nursing decided to create this program because they already have a strong undergraduate curriculum that’s not only nationally accredited but is also names a center of excellence.

An extreme amount of work went into creating this accelerated program. A team of faculty from the nursing school came together to take the courses from the traditional five semesters program and repackaged them to fit a fifteen-month time frame. Outside of this team the new program was a full SXU initiative that involved other departments such as marketing and admissions.

The accelerated program begins every May going through a summer term, fall term, spring term, and one more summer term. All supportive classes, such as Microbiology and Psychopathology, are previously completed allowing students to focus on the core nursing courses as well as their clinical rotations.

This program is geared more towards a mature student, the adult learner. Such students would already have a college degree, so they would ideally be in their twenties or thirties. When describing the students who would become a part of the program Associate Dean, Undergraduate in Nursing Peggy Gallagher stated, “Mature adult students are not only extremely dedicated and committed, but also extremely involved in their work. Because of their maturity level they aren’t afraid to challenge professors, which is something the faculty is definitely looking forward to.” It is not only Saint Xavier’s school of nursing faculty that are looking forward to these students, but also the hospitals that many students go to for their clinical rotations such as University of Chicago, Northwestern, and Advocate Christ all of whom have agreed to accept students for their clinical rotations.
Because this is an accelerated program in an area of study that is already fast paced, the admission requirements are set high. They are looking for students who have a strong academic past, which can be seen in the cumulative GPA requirement of a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale as well as two professional letters of recommendation.
Another way they have amped up the requirements was by adding an in person interview to make sure that individuals who are applying not only understand what it needed to participate in this program, but also to discern whether or no this is truly what the applicant wants.
These measures are completely understandable considering not only how rigorous the course work as well as how limited the timeframe is, but the program is one charge of $42,500 an amount that most times financial aid will not help pay for because it is in pursuit of a second bachelors degree. Because of this students are going to want to not only be dedicated, but also sure that this is the path they wish to pursue.
Admissions is already accepting applications, so if you’re a senior or recent graduate who feels nursing is the right career path you can go online and apply. Once you have completed the initial application admissions will contact you regarding all other requirements such as transcripts and recommendation letters.
For more information you can go to the SXU website and check out the undergraduate nursing program where the accelerated program is listed. If you are looking for information beyond what is provided there Dean Gallagher recommends either contacting her at or Professor Teresa Miller at

Catlyn Hicks
Senior News Editor