On October 5, the Saint Xavier Marching Band will be revealing new uniforms at the Homecoming football game.
There were several reasons why the band is getting new uniforms. “The number one reason for new uniforms is the growing numbers of the band. We’ve grown just about 50% over the last three years,” said Jeff Malecki, D.M.A., the Director of Bands and Orchestra at Saint Xavier. Because of the growing size of the marching band, there were not enough uniforms for all members of the band.
Aesthetics was also an important factor for the new uniforms. “The old uniforms were in a traditional, or some would say “dated” style. They were also mainly white on top — very hard to keep clean — and a pretty, let’s say, ‘unfriendly’ shade of red for the pants. The new uniforms use black as the main color, have a more updated style, and use the traditional school colors,” Malecki stated.
When asked if the uniform change was also related to the recent athletic rebranding, he replied “It’s actually coincidence that the sports teams are rebranding at the same time, but a good one!”
The process for choosing the new uniforms was a complex process. Students enrolled in MUS 366, a class comprised of upper-level music majors, last year had some input into the uniform design and style. Malecki and his students also worked closely with the uniform company representative.
Funding for the uniforms came several different sources. “A large amount came from the music department, but we also had great partners both financially and support-wise in the College of Arts and Sciences, the Office of Student Affairs, the President’s Office, and the SXU Athletics,” said Malecki.
The band, currently celebrating their 20th anniversary, is keeping their uniform design hidden until October 5, and according to Malecki, “uniforms are being tailored as we speak, and we look forward to unveiling them at the homecoming game.”
Becki Brown
Editor in Chief