Saint Xavier University’s Counseling Center has been moved from its on campus location to a new off campus location.
The new office is located at 3911 103rd Street in the Driehaus Center (between Gilhooley’s and Copy Cats), and is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The former location of the Counseling Center was in a trailer, which doubled as Career Services. It was originally located on campus, near the Human Resource office.
Dean of Students Tony Campbell said, “The Counseling Center was one of the two trailers that we were renting. We got a grant to renovate the Driehaus Center, we were able to move it and save in rent for the trailers, which helps out on cost structures.”
Due to the moving of the office space, many students were left worried about how they would be able to get to the Counseling Center.
The new location is not far from the campus, and SXU has shuttles that go back and forth from the Counseling Center.
“By moving the the counseling center to the Driehaus Center, we have more office space and privacy,” says Dean of Students Tony Campbell.
In the case of an emergency, a student could also call Public Safety to have them escorted to the Counseling Center. Public Safety can also give anyone a ride if they’re having difficulties getting there.
When asked about how the Counseling center has impacted her as a student, and if she has the ability to get to the new location, Alma Tovar said, “It was an excellent, pressure-free environment to hide away in when things were too stressful. When it was moved, it discouraged me from going, as traveling to it would take up too much time from my already cluttered schedule.”
Moving the Counseling Center off campus caused some students to not be able to go as often due to busy schedules, but also offered them more privacy when they were able to go.
The Counseling Center’s web page states, “The Counseling Center is dedicated to providing a holistic, student-centered environment which encourages personal growth and well-being in keeping with the mission of Saint Xavier University.”
The resources offered through the Counseling Center are wellness, balance, growth, referrals to the Counseling Center, community mental health resources, alcohol and other drug education program, and other campus resources.
In the case of an emergency, during office hours call 773-298-4045 or come by the Counseling Center. During non-office hours, call Public Safety at 773-298-3911.
From there, they will contact the on-call counselor. In case of an off campus emergency, call 911.
The mission and goals of the Counseling Center are to help the students of SXU with self discovery through wellness, and to help them in their personal and academic life through the acts of balance and growth.
Students are encouraged to go talk with counselors if they feel the need to, and also recommend people to the Counseling Center. The Counseling Center offers individual counseling to fit the students’ needs, and is there to provide support to any student who needs it.
In order to better assist the students, the Counseling Center has licensed counselors available and on call to aid with concerns due to family problems, relationship conflicts, loss/grief, stress management, anxiety or depression as well as a wide range of other personal, and emotional issues.
If at any point in a students college experience, some life circumstances become overwhelming and cause emotional or mental distress, the Counseling Center offers confidential and free counseling to help that individual tackle the challenges they are facing.
College can be a difficult enough time without having to juggle work, family, and friends on top of school. Talking with someone about challenges and struggles is a good outlet to relieve stressful thoughts. Asking for help is encouraged and is nothing to be ashamed of.
Kylee Rus
News Reporter