National Society of Minorities in Hospitality Seeks Saint Xavier Students

Faculty at the Graham School of Management is encouraging Saint Xavier students to join and take part in the National Society of Minorities in Hospitality.

The Saint Xavier chapter of the NSMH was established two years ago by Dr. Brian Hill, an SXU professor and faculty advisor.

According to Hill, the purpose of having this chapter of the society at SXU, “is not just to have a club, the end game is to make professional relationships and networking so that [students] have great employment and opportunities when you leave here.”

Hill also emphasizes in regards to networking, “People do business with people they know. People do business with people they like.”

Nick Mancari, a director at the Graham School, believes that SXU students have many opporunities for work in the hospitality field considering the univeristy’s proximity to Chicago.

Mancari states, “This city of Chicago is one big service industry. If you plan on staying in Chicago or live in a big city down the road, there’s service everywhere.”

Student involvement has been a contributing factor in building up the SXU chapter of the NSMH. According to Hill there are leadership positions currently vacant. Incoming members have the opportunity to fill these roles.

According to Hill and Mancari, the best way to sign up for the society is through the NSMH website.

Hill has had experience starting chapters for the NSMH in the past as he has started chapters at Kendall College and Roosevelt University. He emphasizes that the NSMH is open to everyone as there is no other national organization for students in hospitality in the United States.

“NSMH is not exclusionary, everybody on this campus can go be a part of it, can be involved,” states Hill.

Hill heavily encourages students to attend the conferences and events associated with the society. He believes experience and putting oneself out there is the key to success when finding good jobs and careers.

Hill states,“If I was every business student in the Graham, I would be a member.”