McDonough Chapel – Photo Credit : SXU

Saint Xavier University’s  (SXU) Office of University Mission and Ministry will continue with their seventh year tradition of the “Month of Remembering” also known as “Novembering .”

During this month, students, staff and faculty, and the community are welcomed to submit photos and names of family and friends who have passed over the last year.

The photos will be displayed at the McDonough Chapel of the Mother of Mercy during the entire month of November.

Those interested in submitting photos or names of loved ones can drop them off at the Chapel to Liturgy Coordinator and office manager, Mary Rita Insley at the chapel’s front desk. 

You can call Insley at x3900 if you have names you would like included in the liturgy.

The month of Novembering is named such because the first two days are Catholic Feasts of All Saints and Souls. Insley stated, “ As Catholics, we remember our faithfully departed members.”

Paulist father Larry Rice, who is a campus minister at the University Catholic Center at the University of Texas at Austin and an expert in faith-based communications has stated, “On the first two days of November each year, the Church commemorates two linked feast days: All Saints (November 1) and All Souls (November 2). 

All Saints is easy to understand: We remember all those who have lived lives of heroic holiness, whether the Church has canonized them or not. On All Souls, we remember all those who have died, not just the spiritual superstars.”

During the first two days, three masses will be held. On Wednesday, November 1,, there will be an All Saints noon mass held by Father Ed  Mikolaiczyk. 

On Thursday, November 2, All Souls noon mass Day of the Dead will be held. The presider is yet to be determined. 

The Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday similar to All Souls and All Saints day. In Spanish, it is known as, Día de los Muertos.  In Mexican culture they  believe that the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on October 31, and the spirits of all deceased children reunited with their families for 24 hours.

On November 2, the spirits of the adults come down to enjoy festivities that are prepared for them.                   Sophomore Maria Suarez stated, “I’m excited that the school is kind of celebrating the Day of the Dead, it shows our school is really diverse.” The final mass that day will be at 4pm which is known as the Mass of Remembrance. The mass will be held by Father John  Celichowsk. During the mass, all the names that have been submitted by the SXU community will be read, and a representative will receive a rose in remembrance of that person.              Insley finds the Month of Remembering to be very special, stating, “It is a very moving mass. It is a way to celebrate the life of those members of the SXU community who have gone before us.” 

Senior Abel J. Mendoza stated, “This tradition is one I’ll definitely miss. I was able to send in a photo and remember my grandmother when she passed my junior year.” Mendoza continued, “Being able to see her photo in the chapel amongst all the others was a powerful feeling, just knowing that we were all there still thinking of our loved ones was nice.” 

For more information on the  “Month of Remembering” you can contact Insley or you can contact the Director of Mission and Heritage at x5734.