Screen shot 2013-10-23 at 6.05.01 PMDear Lauren,

My roommate keeps bringing ladies over to our dorm while I’m trying to study. I’ve asked him many times not to do this, because it’s incredibly distracting. But he keeps doing it. What should I do?

Casanova’s Roommate

Dear Casanova’s Roommate,

The best thing to do in this situation is to just talk to your roommate about the situation. The dorm is a shared space and if him constantly bringing women over is such a huge distraction for you, then you need to be firm in telling him that he needs to at least give you a heads up before he brings someone over.
If he does plan on bringing a woman over, you can then take your studying to one of the very many study places we have here on campus.
I know, it is not fair that you should have to always leave when he wants to bring a girl over, especially if it happens on a regular basis.
If it is happening often, you could let him know that you would prefer if it was not an every night activity. Maybe once or twice a week is okay, but you pay just as much tuition as he does. You should get to use the room in the way you would like to also.
Really, you just need to compromise with him. Whether that means letting each other know what your plans are or if you really want to be nitpicky, you could make a schedule.
I’m sure he wouldn’t be thrilled about that, but hey, it’s worth a shot. Set aside times that you would specifically like to use to study.
Good luck and remember to always listen to Lauren!

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Lauren Dwyer
Senior Features Editor