Sometimes the characters in haunted houses are a bit more than one can handle.
Sometimes the characters in haunted houses are a bit more than one can handle.

Dear Lauren,

A lot of my friends really enjoy stuff like haunted houses and Fright Fest, but I’m not a big fan of anything too scary. What can I do to spend time with my friends this October without being too afraid while still making sure they are having fun?


Dear Scaredy-Cat,
Halloween must be a rough time for you. Around every corner, something is lurking to jump out at you and scare the beejezus out of you, since that’s what makes Halloween so much fun. But don’t worry; there are plenty of ways to have fun with your thrill-seeking friends this season.

So your friends like haunted houses and you would rather climb Mount Everest in your underwear than step foot in one? While they head to the haunted house, wait back at home and make a fun treat for everyone when they get back. This way, you’ll be too preoccupied doing something fun for your friends so you won’t get left out. And they certainly will appreciate your popcorn balls after they have had a horrifying time at the haunted house.

If all of your friends want to pop in a scary movie, just suggest they watch Hocus Pocus instead. While they may be bummed out that they can’t watch a frightening movie that night, they could always just watch one that you wouldn’t be into while you’re at work or away for some other reason. If they don’t want to watch a less scary Halloween themed movie, bribe them with some more of your treats. Again, they will really appreciate it. I heard college kids love free things, especially in the form of food.
There are plenty of ways to have fun at Halloween time without have to dive into the fearsome parts of it. All it takes is a little creativity and open-minded friends. Good luck and always listen to Lauren!

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Lauren Dwyer
Senior Features Editor