Hi Lauren,
I’ve been dealing with a sick roommate as of late. My roommate is awesome, but that sickness just makes me go “Ick!”. And I really don’t want to catch a cold this early in the semester. What should I do!?
Germ Avoider
Dear Germ Avoider,
In a perfect world, there would be no illness. And those that for some reason did get ill could just be banished to an alternate universe.
Sadly for you, we have do not live in a perfect world and you cannot send your roommate to another world. Nor can you put them in a giant bubble, so you can stop considering that right now.
Even though this unfortunately is happening to many people at this time of the year, there is not much you can do about it, except protect yourself.
By this I mean load up on handsanitizers and try to steer clear of your roommate for the time being. Don’t treat him/her like they have the plague, just let them know that you would rather not be sick and so you will not be sharing drinks, the television remote, the bathroom, or any doorknobs with them until they are better.
Or you could just invest in some lysol and clean a lot. That could work too.
Good luck and remember to listen to Lauren!
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Lauren Dwyer
Senior Features Editor