Dear Lauren,
I’m a freshman resident here on campus and it has only been about a week, but I already have problems with my roommate! She is messy and I don’t know how to tell her nicely that she really needs to clean up her stuff. Please help, because I don’t want to have to change rooms!
Doomed in the Dorm Room
Hey Doomed,
Well, while I don’t live on campus, I have plenty of friends that do and this complaint is very common amongst them. Living with someone you don’t know can be hard, especially when you don’t know what kind of person they are. Unfortunately, you were teamed up with messy person, while I assume you’re the kind of person that has to have everything clean and neat.
While it may be hard to do, especially if you aren’t the confrontational type, is to just talk to your roommate. I know, a crazy concept, but hear me out. You are still in the beginning of your relationship with this person, so it’s a good idea to set the ground rules now.
Instead of leaving obnoxious passive aggressive notes, just nicely say to her that you think you both should keep your room clean. Tell her that you don’t want to attract ants and whatever else might be in Regina.
Make sure to use “I” statements and whatever you do, don’t have a sassy attitude while saying all of this to her. Good luck and remember to always listen to Lauren.
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Lauren Dwyer
Senior Features Editor