Improv Club Hosts Food Drive

Screen shot 2013-11-13 at 5.37.28 PM The Saint Xavier University Improv Club will be hosting a food drive until their show on Nov. 19 at 9:16 p.m. in McGuire Hall.

This year will mark the second year that Improv Club has had a food drive. Becki Brown, the President of Improv Club, when asked if the food drive could become an annual event, said, “I hope so, I’d like for that to be something that continues. It’s definitely one of the better traditions we would have.”

There was not as much participation in last year’s food drive as the Improv Club would have liked, so this year they have come up with a way to boost the participation level. Improv Club has developed a tier system of acts their members will do if a certain number of cans are collected. The tiers are as follows and are cumulative:
10 cans: Becki Brown will taste a number of unknown foods, many of them assumed to be gross, while blindfolded.
20 cans: Danny Alonso will do the entire show while blindfolded.
35 cans: Ian Rigg will serenade someone from the crowd.
50 cans: Tony Davis will eat three packets of wasabi.
75 cans: Kristen Mabry will shave her head.
The Improv Club has also partnered with the Service Club to ensure the best use of the food drive’s collections. Service Club will donate the collected foods to a local food shelter.

The “Bring a Can if You Can” show was specifically scheduled for this time of year because the Improv Club members would like everyone to have food during the holiday season.

Depending on how well this food drive goes, there could be another food drive organized by Improv Club next semester.

The Improv Club encourages everyone to bring non-perishable food to the diner on November 18th and 19th, the Monday and Tuesday before the show. The Improv Club will be there between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to collect food items. There is also a collection bin in the Student Success Program office. If you would like to donate food early or have any questions, contact Becki Brown at

David Rodriguez
News Editor