I Really Hate the Internet

Maybe my headline is misleading, but it’s not that far off from my truth. I don’t hate the entire Internet, but I do a good part of it. I’m sure you are wondering, “but Lauren, how could you hate this vast technological network that has endless amounts of information and pictures of cats?” Because, reader, it is filled with a lot of horrible things. Trolls, Internet “activists”, and the same memes we have seen a million times overrun the Internet.

The Internet is a great place if you have the intense need to be an anonymous jerk. Behind the mask on anonymity you can essentially say whatever you want to someone with little to no remorse. This is why many anonymous message boards are so popular amongst society’s scum.

These websites have produced some of the most popular content on the Internet, while destroying lives. No, I don’t mean that the “Philosorapter” and “Forever Alone” memes have destroyed lives, but they have distracted users from the real damage that these websites can cause to people.

When you have a group of like-minded individuals that are all called to action against someone or something, they can do a lot of damage if they want to.

But trolls are not the only reason why I hate the Internet.

There are a few websites themselves that make me cringe every time I see them. Buzzfeed, Tumblr, and good ol’ HuffPo are just a few sites that make me go, “ewwww.”

I will admit, for a short time I went on Tumblr and even Buzzfeed for a few laughs. But then I realized that they are such a complete waste of time. Buzzfeed is just lists upon lists of garbage that no one should spend time looking at and sharing all over social media.

Just take a glance at Buzzfeed’s front page. Currently, I see “11 Reasons Figure Skating Is The Most Magical Thing On Earth”, “6 Moms Who Totally Stole the Show at the Oscars”, and “16 Stylish Products for Pizza Lovers”.

Anyone can replicate a BuzzFeed article!

I would love to contribute an article to Buzzfeed called, “1 Reason why Buzzfeed is the Worst.” It will look just like the example I have made. It even has some random picture I pulled from Google Images. However, at least I took the five seconds to cite the legitimate picture source.

Maybe I am just a jealous hater, because I have to actually write articles in order to get paid.

Tumblr is just an entire different story. The website is filled with “social activists” who think that reblogging a picture with some words is going to change the world. Newsflash: it is not. If you want to really be an activist, get off your computer and go out in the world and do something. Meet other activists in person, form real relationships, and then maybe you can change the world.

There is a particular part of Tumblr that really upsets me. It is the subculture of “Fat Activists”. Having been overweight my entire life, I know that it can suck to have people make fun of me. I have heard all of the names and felt all of the lows.
But I will never identify with “Fat Activists”. Some of them are okay, but many of them are not. The ones that are great are those that are working towards acceptance for all body types, not just those that are overweight.

On the other hand though, there are the people that just shame women for being thin. They say things like “real women have curves” and “meat is for men, bones are for dogs”. How does it make sense to just turn the tables on people that may have tortured you in the past? Oh wait, it does not.

I also believe that Tumblr, and, well I suppose the Internet as a whole, has become a catalyst for this overly sensitive ultra political correct society we now live in. Be careful with every word you openly say, because even the most innocent thing could suddenly be misinterpreted and turned against you and you will be labeled sexist, racist, homophobic, etc.

We so freely label people with these words that they are starting to lose all meaning. One day, being called sexist or racist is going to be synonymous with someone telling you that you are a “poohead.”

The Internet is not an entirely horrible place and it is not worthless. In fact, it is a tool for us to wield wisely to better ourselves and maybe even the world around us. However, when we are spending too much time focusing on “30 of the Cutest Things Cats ever Climbed on”, we are not using the internet to full potential that it is meant to have.

So instead of sharing the umpteenth Buzzfeed quiz on which movie character you should marry, share an article that will expand your mind and the mind of others.

Use the Internet for good, never to harm others and the future will have a better chance at being all right.

Lauren Dwyer
Senior Features Article