Homecoming Is More than a School Event

SXU Homecoming 24 Events Posters                           The Xavierite             


As a first year Saint Xavier student, I’m impressed by the various activities homecoming has to offer. I find this as a perfect opportunity to make long lasting memories, demonstrate gratitude to the SXU community and make my college experience all the more special.

As someone who was barely involved in homecoming during high school, I feel like I have some catching up to do. Now that homecoming is finding its way back into my life, I’m excited to be a part of it. 

Even though the school and administration put forward their biggest efforts to make it interesting, in my first three years of highschool, I had completely skipped over school events. 

During spirit week, we had “Pajama Day,” giving students a chance to show up how they woke up. We also had “Decades Day,” where you could dress up like you came straight out of the seventies, eighties or nineties. 

Once this week rolled around, I’d pass on joining in. It felt tedious to spend time on planning out my outfit. Assuming no one else cared much, I felt childish to participate. 

It wasn’t until my senior year that I did and decided I’d cherish my last year. I came to the realization that much of what I did was influenced by the people around me. 

I cared too much about what others thought and didn’t do what was best for me. I finally looked for the fun in homecoming by joining in and expressing myself. At the same time, I inspired my friends to do the same. 

We then spent the next nine months of school attending every event and participating in the spirit weeks. We’d stay longer afterschool to attend the pep rallies and cheer our hearts out.

Considering it would be the last time I’d see so much spirit in my graduating class, it felt more sentimental since I’d never have a chance to go back and relive it. 

I think the saying “You only live once” can be cliche, but it’s true during these important chapters of our life. I want to take hold of every moment that passes by because they aren’t guaranteed. 

I find it carless to simply look over what life is offering you, even if it seems small. Homecoming holds so much love and effort from everyone involved, it should be cherished. 

Students who are part of the Student Activities Board (SAB) come together to brainstorm ideas for homecoming in the interest of us. I know this isn’t easy to do because it takes time and effort to find out what would be the most eye-catching. 

I remember walking out of class with my friend Meliza,  and we spotted a vibrant poster mentioning homecoming. I found it clever that it was advertised through a Super Mario theme, only making me more intrigued. 

Since then, I’ve mentioned my excitement about the wonderfully created event, hoping it would bring the same spirit to those around me. It would be awesome to have influenced more people to show love for homecoming.

SAB tries their best to make homecoming fun, but it’s also about the athletes that have been working hard towards their upcoming game. I’m no athlete, so I can only imagine the hard work put into practice.  

It involves strong dedication waking up in the dawn of the day or staying late practicing with their team. Showing up by giving our support and cheering in the stands is a perfect way to show appreciation.

As I’m only at the start of my four years here at SXU, I have no clue what the future holds. Not everything will be in my control, but it’s also in my hands to make it interesting.

Attending the various homecoming activities gives me a chance to take a break from my strenuous academic work and reward myself with a good time. 

I want to look back at photos that make me reminisce on the enjoyable moments of my college experience. Photos filled with stories to tell future generations. 


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