Ghostbusters And The Changing of Gender

Green ghost in cabinet — Heather McKinnon

Ghostbusters became a hit when it came out, four men driving in a hearse with sirens who were capturing ghosts. It was something new that everyone was into, from the theme song to the jumpsuit that everyone had to buy.

When I was a little girl I had the jumpsuit with the hearse car. Everyone and their grandma knew who the Ghostbusters were. This movie was labeled as a classic, so the thought of remaking it seemed unnecessary.

When the idea of changing the original gender of the Ghostbusters, who were played by Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson. It was presented many were against the idea. Even if they were women we were familiar with such as, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones. Many people were not in favor of the idea of remaking ghostbuster with women.

A tweet was found saying: “Lazy Hollywood film making ‘let’s make a Ghostbusters remake but with women!’ Only soccer moms and feminist bimbos will watch that trash.”

I, for instance, am against remakes, but I was looking forward to the idea of giving lead roles to women. It’s not only for entertainment purposes, but the point it makes: women can do it too.

It is important to see women take lead roles in movies. The movie didn’t take the attention away from the original but it was like a different sort of classic. Set apart from the originals in a new modern way. What was interesting was the inclusion of the original actors Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson, who were against the whole idea of believing in ghosts.

The movie became a hit and I enjoyed it. It helps to advocate for women’s equal rights and to be seen as more than just property. It’s about the advancement of this era and the continuation of growth with women’s advocacy.

Women have fought strong and hard to be able to be treated with respect and be given the same opportunities as everyone else. I appreciate the power being given to women, who are given the opportunity to prove themselves to the audience and to the people who they are acting with.

It shows the strength and intelligence women have in certain situations. In times of need or hardships, they do not depend on the male lead. So, the remake of Ghostbusters was a thumbs up for me.

It is one of the few movies that has a women lead and it turned out great. I can relate to women more than men, it’s more of the experiences we face. It’s riveting to see such positivity of the women lead it a movie many know of based on the original.

I believe it’s still something that is going to take time to get passed and what both men and women need to fight for; to have more women taking the lead of movies and saving the world.

Priscilla Vargas

Opinion Columnist