First Year Seminar classes should not be required at Saint Xavier University

At Saint Xavier University, all first year students know that a first year seminar class is required as part of the general education requirements. However, should students be required to take this class? While Saint Xavier is a catholic school, some catholics, like myself, do not believe that the teachings in the class align with their beliefs. As a Catholic student who believes that God is a wonderful, almighty being who while not perfect, does still protect and bring salvation to his followers. 

A few years ago, my family and I were driving to D.C. and we had some of our luggage strapped on top using a cargo carrier. While driving, the straps became unsecured and flew off of the car while we were on the expressway. No cars were struck by the cargo carrier that was flying off the roof of the car. No accidents were caused by the large foreign object that was in the middle of the road, causing cars driving seventy miles to suddenly have to swerve their vehicles. That, in itself, was a miracle. I knew that God was watching over all of the drivers on that road and made sure they were all safe. 

I also believe that the man, the good samaritan, that pulled over to help strangers standing on the side of the road was a gift from God. I believe it’s quite possible that God sent an angel down to protect my family and ensure that everyone on the road was safe. That angel was presented to us as the man who pulled over to help a family of strangers. When my dad ran out into the expressway to retrieve our luggage, it was the most frightening moment of my life. The seconds felt never ending as I watched him run out into the expressway and gain superhuman strength as he ran back to us. At that moment, I knew that God was watching over him and my family. It was the moment that I knew for sure there was a God out there who was watching over me, protecting my family from danger. 

While I don’t believe everything that’s written in the bible is perfect, I do still believe that not everything in the bible is wrong. The stories are there for us to learn from and to increase our faith through the understanding of them. They are not to be criticized, as my teacher tries to teach my peers and myself. Every lesson, he criticizes God, pointing out every negative aspect of the stories without any mention of the positive messages about God and the way he wishes us to live out our lives. For example, I believe that God knew it was best to create the flood and destroy the evil rotting the Earth, even if it meant the loss of innocent lives. While some people do believe that it was wrong of God to flood the earth, it does not give them the right to try and teach me, as their student, that God was acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum. To me, that is just simply disrespectful to my beliefs about God and the way I view him, especially after everything he did that morning to protect my family and everyone else who was driving on that road when the cargo carrier flew off the car. I also believe in the value of following the Ten Commandments. I believe that when Moses presented the Ten Commandments, this was a beautiful moment because of the important values that were inscribed in the stone. However, my teacher believes that it’s okay to teach his students that events prior to Moses presenting the Ten Commandments render them insignificant. I do not believe that to be true, nor do I believe that teachers should have the right to teach lessons about whether or not their students should value the Ten Commandments. 

While I can’t speak on behalf of other teachers and their lessons, throughout this semester, my teacher has only tried to teach us to criticize and belittle God, as well as belittle every positive and beautiful detail, by presenting negative details that are also found in the Bible. As the teachings presented in the class contradict my Catholic beliefs, I do not believe that I, as well as my peers, should be required to complete a First Year Religion course. Students should not be forced to take a class that tries to belittle their Catholic beliefs and faith in God.