Father Michael Pfleger to Give Lecture at SXU

Father Pfleger will be giving a lecture at SXU on Oct. 9th.
Father Pfleger will be giving a lecture at SXU on Oct. 9th.

As part of Saint Xavier’s Squeaky Weal Lecture Series, famous social activist and Saint Sabina pastor Father Michael Pfleger will be giving a lecture on the power and relevance that non-violent strategies hold in achieving social justice.

Sponsored by the Center for Religion and Public Discourse, Pfleger’s lecture will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 9th at 6:30 p.m. in McGuire Hall. The event is free and open to both the SXU community and the public.

According to Sister Joy Clough, RSM – the director of the university’s Center for Religion and Public Discourse – the lectures that are featured in the Squeaky Weal series aim to address current, civic, artistic, and other types of issues through a perspective of ethics, spirituality, and faith.

Started in 2001, the Squeaky Weal Lecture Series promotes thoughtful reflection and civil discussion on the religious, moral, and ethical repercussions of certain public issues, with a constant focus on the common good. Pfleger will now be among the plethora of speakers that SXU has had thanks to the series.

Clough explained why Pfleger was chosen to give the lecture.
“Violence is certainly an issue in our world today so I got to thinking about who we could get that could talk knowledgeably about the issue of violence in our society. Father Pfleger came to mind. He’s local, he’s been involved with these kinds of issues for decades, and I know him. But then, the other motivator was the Sisters of Mercy – who sponsor this university. They have identified certain social justice issues as being of particular concern at this time and one of those issues is the promotion of non-violence,” Clough said.

Father Pfleger is indeed well-known not only across Chicago for his promotion of non-violent efforts, but also across the nation.

Because of his prominent struggle against racism, drugs, alcohol and tobacco billboards, and any forms of injustice; Pfleger has been recognized and featured in numerous newspapers and magazines including The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, and Time magazine, among many others.

In addition to that, Pfleger has also made several TV appearances in shows such as 60 Minutes, the Larry King Show, and Nightline.

His extensive works in activism and in using non-violent methods to help solve social issues are well-received by Chicagoans and are famous across the country.

Through Pfleger’s leadership, the Saint Sabina parish was able to establish the Chicago Basketball Peace Tournament.

This tournament brings rival gangs members together and has them set their differences aside in the court. Prominent NBA stars even take part in the event including Chicago Bulls stars Joakim Noah – who was a founding member of the tournament – and Derrick Rose.

Taking note of his great involvement with non-violence efforts, Clough remarked on what exactly Pfleger’s lecture will focus on.

“When I talked to Father Pfleger I asked him whether he would be willing to talk about non-violence, which I think everyone knows was a very powerful strategy for social justice in the hands of Dr. Martin Luther King and in the hands of Mahatma Gandhi.,” Clough said.

“If you think about it, it’s a very powerful tool because, decent people all across a society are educated and aroused to action when they see non-violence confront violence. So, the question is, ‘Does non-violence still have that power?’ And that’s what he’s going to be addressing – is non-violence still a value.”

Throughout his career, Pfleger has been honored with numerous awards and recognitions for his active work and commitment to justice.

Pfleger has received the Thurgood Marshall Award from the National Black Prosecutors Association, the Monsignor Egan Social Justice Award from DePaul University, and the Rosa Parks Award from the SCLC, among many other awards and recognitions.

In addition to receiving such awards, on January 20, 2003, Pfleger had the honor of being a keynote speaker for the national Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Service – a request that was specifically made by Dr. King’s wife, Coretta Scott King.
Clough commented on how she believes Pfleger’s lecture will benefit the university and the surrounding communities.

““I think it benefits all of us to think about how we might make our society less violent and more just. Violence just seems to begat violence. How do we help our society, how do we help young people find ways to resolve differences, and difficulties, and disagreements without resorting to violence,” Clough said.
Remarking on the significance that Pfleger has had throughout the Chicago area as well as his amazing abilities as a public speaker, Clough remarked on why she believes Pfleger would be a great speaker to have at SXU.

“Father Pfleger is a very good speaker and I think that students would be very engaged with what he has to say. The nice thing about Father Pfleger is that he’s not just a talker – he is a doer. He has confronted a number of issues and all by non-violent means of protest, or presence, or alternatives. He has a long track record of walking the talk. I think it’s going to be a very engaging evening.”

For more information on Father Pfleger, one can visit the Saint Sabina website at www.saintsabina.org or the Chicago Peace Basketball Tournament website at www.chicagopeacetournament.com

Macy Zamudio
Senior News Editor