Farewell to Becki Brown-Editor in Chief

Obligatory Editor in Chief shot.
Obligatory Editor in Chief shot.

I find it difficult to try to put four years of hard work and memories into just 400 words, but I’ll try. I joined The Xavierite at the very beginning of my first year of college.
I can still remember sitting in the office for the first time wondering what to expect. I could have never known that joining the school paper could have had such a profound effect on me.
During my four years here, I have had so many opportunities to do amazing things. I have been able to attend the ICPA Awards three times, do an interview with the author of a book about “zombie gardening,” and be featured as a “Student You Should Know” in the SXU Alumni Magazine.

There are so many things I have accomplished, including winning two ICPA awards,  designing and laying out a 12 page yearbook issue as well as several of the FOCUS editions of the paper, and improving my skills as a writer.
Looking back, I would like to think that I have made an impact on The Xavierite, its staff and its readers. I have poured my soul into this paper for the past four years (I mean, come on, it’s practically a horcrux), and I would like to think that it shows in each issue.I have made so many friends, and that is what I will miss most of all.

For the past four years, I have been part of a constantly growing and changing family, and I will be sad to have to move on and join the adult world, just like those who went before me.
However, I do feel confident in The Xavierite’s future. I will be passing the torch on to Brian Laughran, just like Editor in Chief Emeritus Tony Bara passed it along to me last year.
I would like to thank everyone at the paper, especially Pete, Tony, and Brittany for their support throughout my time here, and I’d like to wish next year’s staff the best of luck. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.


Becki Brown
Editor in Chief