Many are still new to the Saint Xavier University website called The Den. It’s where all the information about events for the school is. If you are interested in getting involved on campus, go check out the events and consider joining clubs.
The Den is a tool that every student should use because it’s critical for many to get involved and make memories. Not only for on-campus events but for also events going on at campus but for places the school visits in the Chicagoland area.
There are four sections: News, Organizations, Events, and the Home Page. The News page advertises upcoming events. It helps if you are looking for volunteer opportunities to do for fun.
On the events page, there is the date, location, and time when the event is being held. Also, if an event is cancelled, the rescheduled time will be posted here. You can also RSVP to events for your guests and yourself. Depending on the events, food is provided or even prizes. You can go alone or with others, no matter what you are able to get to know new people and make new friends.
You should take advantage of the events that are free.They can get you connected with professors, students, alumni, RA’s, and advisors, who can offer help or advice.
On the top right hand corner, you can access your Den Pass, which is used to scan into events. You can save to picture to your camera roll, or save it to your Apple Wallet for quick access.
The Organizations page lists all the Registered Student Organizations (RSO’s). There are eighty-three pages full of organizations and clubs that you can choose from, and you don’t have a limit to how many you can join. You can join the Accounting Student Club, African American Studies Diaspora Club, Anthropology Club, Game No Shame, What The Font (art club), Speech Club, Service Club, and so many more.
Join by either sending an email to the president of that club or just pressing the join club button. I advise you to send an email to the president to find out the time and place they meet. When you join a club you don’t have to go to every meeting, you can go according to your schedule.
The Form section is mostly for applications, logs, and sign-up sheets. Since The Den is still new more of the information can still change and more can be added.
For service trips that call for out of pocket payment, you can fill out the form for Campus Ministry Financial Aid that is available here.
You don’t even have to create a new account to log into The Den. All you need to do is sign into the mySXU page, then hit “The Den” link under the Resources on the right hand tab.
Priscilla Vargas
Opinions Columnist