Diary of a Superhero Comic Novice: DC Rebirth’s Wonder Woman

Features Editor Gisselle showing off her copy of DC Rebirth’s Wonder Woman. Photo Credit: The Xavierite

Well, it’s taken me long enough, but I’ve finally gotten around to reviewing a DC comic.

After having watched Patty Jenkin’s (more than) successful film adaption of Wonder Woman last semester, I had wanted to read through one of the comic storylines of this iconic character.

This week, I finally did with DC Rebirth’s Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Lies.

Once again, a disclaimer: spoilers ahead as I discuss plot elements and details about DC Rebirth’s Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Lies, and I do spoil the twist at the end. You’ve been warned.

Now let’s get into it!

First of all, can I just say that the illustrations in this volume were phenomenal?

With every page I turned, I grew more and more impressed with the artwork; from the colors to the blank line-work that separated certain segments, I loved it all.

It was gorgeous, beautiful, entrancing, and all those wonderful adjectives. Gah.

On top of the amazing art, the story was a really great read.

The titular clue reveals that one of the central themes examined in this story is lies or deceit.

The story begins with Diana Prince being with uncertainty about her origin.

Her memories are jumbled, and she finds that she has memories of a separate timeline that she could have originated from.

This is likely an affect from the multiple “rebirths” of Wonder Woman’s story throughout the years,  and it is a subtle yet compelling plotline that is so interesting to follow.

Diana comes to find out that she has been deceived – by who and for what reason is initially unknown – when she uses the Lasso of Truth on herself in an attempt to determine the reasoning behind her doubts.

When Diana attempts to go to her home island, Themyscira, to find answers to her questions, she discovers that her access has been inexplicably blocked to her.

I was initially confused by this revelation. Diana’s story seemed firm on the fact that her sacrifice in going to protect Earth was to give up any chance of ever returning home.

However, the comic continues on to state that she had been able to return home on numerous occasions, despite the alleged sacrifice she made.

I concluded that perhaps this was a plot hole that would be resolved in later volumes.

She enlists the help of her old friend Barbara Ann, who was cursed to become Cheetah by an entity who has enslaved her as his wife.

Only by helping Cheetah relieve herself from the curse is Diana able to receive her help in her own problem.

All the while, Steve Trevor – whose portrayal by Chris Pine in Jenkins’ film was brilliant and devastating and I was ecstatic to see his return here – is on a mission of his own involving the entity that has cursed Cheetah.

As the comic gets closer to its end, the previous action-packed scenes look to be dwindling down into a happy and peaceful ending.

Cheetah is cured from her curse, Steve and Diana reunite with a lovely date scene (examining the gorgeous pink and orange hues over this romantic scene, I once again have to highlight the genius behind the artwork), and Diana finally returns back home! Yay for happy endings!

Until it isn’t.

The comic ends with Steve actually being the one to open Diana’s eyes to something she had been blind to until now: she wasn’t home.

Her true home has vanished, and every aspect of what she believed to be her island was a farce to deceive her.

As I read the final page, staring at the devastation brought to life as Diana crumbles in Steve’s arms with this revelation, I found myself floundering from the rapid, downward twist the story took.

There were a lot of questions bouncing around in my mind as I struggled to wrap my head around this cliffhanger, including but not limited to:

Why was it that Steve, who had only been to the island once, was the one to discover the farce before Diana?

Where did the island vanish to, and how did this happen to an island ruled by Amazonian warriors?

Why would the lie be revealed now?

Who, or perhaps what, is the source behind deceiving Diana?

Compelling, riveting, and wonderful illustrations to boot!

I would definitely pick up the next volume of DC Rebirth’s Wonder Woman to continue the story!

Gisselle Lopez

Features Editor